sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 3 - Google Translate

Hanging on Yggdrasil

                It begins under sinister, ridiculous, offensive, defamatory, derogatory, demeaning and dangerous work of survival and overcoming self-initiatory work with eroticism.
                Starting initiations northern transformation means "wolf". You need to turn yourself in "wolf". The significance of the ancient Norse wolf exit sends an outlaw:'re out "law" so no help yourself, no longer offer you right, you're completely alone - the night - in the woods ... must survive alone . Nobody defends wolf, was not given the deserved justice, whoever he can kill without being held accountable. Wolf is outlawed ... In outlawed happens initiations ... If you want to be Nordic initiated should you turn into a "wolf", a "lone wolf" running through the forest to save your life .. . It's terrible ... All're chasing ...
                Life situations are dire ... It's exactly like stand hung upside down in the woods cold, icy and stormy, no one is close to you can help ... and without that you can do something for their own situation ...
                Deep impression persists constant battle with giants: with people and situations impossible.
                Widolf [1], wolf forest, or the Nordic Initiative, are already familiar with sexual initiation requirements. And inside it feels exactly what he has to do ... it is like a magnet that attracts the soul precisely the ideal way to ascension initiation. Feel exactly what he has done and sacrificed everything in him and around him, keeping out exactly the purpose: the success.
                Odin Energy is seeking knowledge - as a science and wisdom, and information about all spiritual vision and utter ruthlessness complete empathy to know what is in the other, to know everything about everything ... high-light of mind and vision - a savage hunger to know ...
                A search sensual, haunting, happy to the border with ecstasy. A search involving everything ...
                Odin is seeking "power", the boundless inner strength ... relentless, continuous, obsessive ... you're able to put yourself in situations incredible soul hurt you to generate unlimited inner strength, strength of soul beyond normality . It's about self-mutilation soul and spirit ... to see how fix it, how come such escape, how you develop to strengthen the "inner strength" and to continue ... Can you handle easily into any ...
                It is "inner strength" boundless power that develops and crippled're hurting yourself, soul, to see how your interior manages to acquire sufficient "force" to overcome the situation without problems ... with a smile on lips easily.
                Odin Energy is infinite inner strength ...
                His will ... determine beyond normal ... "Odin Energy ''s all-pervasive supports as a wolf terribly unforgiving of the forest ... a lone wolf terrible, incomprehensible and ruthless ...
                There is a terrible hunger for light ... after understanding ... after understanding everything and all ... will invincible iron ... to lift the veil of darkness ... to let light shine ... ... everything to shine in every part of it: be only light ...
                Blessed are those who do not meet him any time ... and yet they remain in the dark ... then bite illuminating the "lone wolf of the forest Initiation" hurts terribly ... and not just those bitten by wolves, but it hurts unbearable and the next bite the darkness ... light is scattered blindly ... causing groans, screams and despair ... But the light shines ... the wolf ...
                Odin use and sex to cure, to get power without limits. Downloading is avoided in order not to lose "force" ... There's something haunting and absolutely necessary. A use sex to gain power internally to not lose all sexual force ... a force generated by a sex ... keep ... to an accumulate.
                Odin Energy is "knowledge" and "power."
                Controlled sexual practices tend to increase strength and inner initiate sexual tension. The power that gives life, power by which man creates life. It is required to control the excitation level. An excitation too high and thus losing Nordic Initiative to download tensions. A little too excited and do not assimilate initiate the necessary power within his nature, the strength of "life" force sufficient to create something inside using energies that give life.
                Initiatory sexual practices are geared towards stepping beyond any limit blood, sexual power of life. To use this Widolf control of their own sexuality, their own level of excitement, and kept indoors all the energy, strength and sexual tension developed with his partner without a loss (via download).
                To achieve the required level of sexual tension inner acts of love with his partner should become very long. After a period it takes to reach about two hours of activity intimate partner. Activity that should not become boring enough for when the excitation voltage and is not touched; nor too hysterical since it will lead to discharge and loss "power", the power of life.
                Anyway, intimate activity between the two is more intense and profound than any normal sexual activity or degenerative. But the partner must be able to "live" it.
                Life force must be gained within the Nordic Initiative. It asks his partner to be able to support their own sexual arousal and passion for at least two hours. And it constantly and permanently.
                The level of sexual tension build, the power of "life force" is incredible and beyond conception!
                The woman should be able emotionally, mentally and physically to maintain their levels of sexual arousal and intimate warmth long time without losing interest, or intervene to weaken excitation boredom or neglect. Her warmth, intimate warmth, it gives the initiate is cardinal. Without it, no warmth woman, assimilate initiate a life force that is cold, one that does not use ...
                The type of woman and match between the two is cardinal. Reference must be made to obtain any partnership of such women.
                Have gained incredible hot sexual tension gradually along months or years. When voltage is too low or there is no need to change the heat intimate partner. Finding someone suitable, although these qualities incredible sexual initiation and given work is almost impossible.
                However, once it passes the period of "training" appears magically initiate such a woman in northern life. Then he has passed and exceeded disapproval and has sacrificed all very much to have access to suitable partners appeared. Sacrifices are destructive and humiliating ...
                When sexual tension is too high, and yet the initiate can control, with obvious sacrifices, then it needs to download momentary. Otherwise, not accumulate power right inside the creative force of life: but ... a blockage occurs disorder ...
                Once initiate controls incredible excitement he must step beyond the normal sexual tension inside. If the buildup is too sudden, impossible to digest by its very nature, it is necessary partial unloading. If accumulation is not sufficient when the initiate must strive and work intense sexual partner.
                Nordic instinct directs initiation clear wolf ...
                Knowing the ratio of correct voltage and speed of accumulation of this tension depends initiate instinct, taste / or initiatives instinct ... of protecting and initiating communion with the divine ...
                When making an obvious mistake, and he did not understand it, Freyja always appears with precise guidance: an obvious metaphor that sums wrong and clearly indicate the correct path to follow.
                Thus, Freyja's Widolf can address the threat "not to see any time that disco", referring to sexuality may be too hysterical and unusually agitated: one that can only lead to degeneration; since it is used in conjunction with the huge tensions "life energy" in the initiation ...
                Similarly, Freyja may appear to indicate a cooling between the two or a decrease in the rate of accumulation of blood "life force" inside: demanding more wood to put on the fire or see repairing the pipe that brings gas to the burner; we can notice indicating that red must have the river that goes under a castle where we are, the castle above the water; and so on
                Similarly, Freyja can enhance sexual desire and the power to initiate direct, physical: Nordic initiates and feels it immediately as a sudden change in sexuality, toward an increase in power.
                Freyja, this "pine forest", as one could name Yggdrasil creation within our nature, is always present near and above it Widolf. It's always felt intense and constant help and protect them obvious. She reassures him permanently and soothes the soul ...
                Thor strikes with powerful and often initiate Mjolnir ...
                Widolf strange dream the night is through experiences, is set to work all the time and effort .... It can make the difference clear that from heaven to earth, from normal human dreams and initiatory experiences: two completely different character! Who experienced something it can not be deceived any time on the initiatory what is human and what is normal in these experiences. The difference is huge between the two experiences ...
                Freyja requires constant refining and enhancing sexuality. Sexuality because of the tension unimaginable accumulated inside the initiate becomes very pure, noble, full of warmth and refinement: that is, through sexual activities hysterical / brutal / uncontrolled / dirty / degenerate / miserable / operated / degrading / Crude appears immediately download and the loss of all power. Acts of love are correct initiatory very long, fine, beautiful, harmonious, noble as the beauty of a field of blooming flowers in a sunny day.
                Freyja character of our energy permeates them. Freyja is refinement. Refining sexual behavior: the brain becomes so refined manifestation and refines operation ... ... sophistication remains in the brain, the brain imprints itself in neuronal functioning, brain and brain printing is exquisite.
                Then the brain so manifest fully refined refined ... everywhere ... and looking light.
                Freyja refine, embellish permanently and continuously interior illumination ... everything ... It's the colors, shades incredible ... we completely transforms ... beauty and light is flowing through us ...
                We are a channel through which flows the beauty and light in the universe ... back to the universe, through us. We are completely open ...
                For a better understanding of the nature of sexuality Nordic Initiative, where erotic art is oriented entirely toward rising upwards towards the light from the top of Yggdrasil, to self-overcoming, to a higher vision ... to be the top. .. to creativity ... see explanations of exposures about "tree and body" in northern initiations. [2]
                Refining sexually intimate warmth, nobility erotic, sensual purity is as important as stepping beyond the normal voltage by controlling the excitation and sexual power and eliminate discharge.
                The initiate must be able to be able to do that: to control excitation and eliminate downloading; to be able to refine the extreme eroticism; able to withstand incredible sexual tension built in physically / emotionally / mentally containing "life force" that makes Yggdrasil grow and develop in him; to help his partner to cooperate sincerely and with dedication refined; to control psychology becomes very fluid and malleable enormous amounts of energy under the influence of life; etc., etc., etc.
                It's very hard.
                But the incomprehensible Odin ... ... support and offers of nature that knows no hindrances, initiate some ... Even the initiate does not explain how he was able to bear and how many ... to be able to do ... what to do ...
                Accumulating more and more refined energy of life, "life energy" hot inside it using partner wonderful, warm and deep internal structure is formed in a magic tree, connected with the entire multiverse. The basic phases start greening tree and then grow more and more.
                The quality of sexual initiation of this period should reflect the nature ineffable and exquisite, pure Freyja ... which we discussed in the section Edda interpretation of texts.
                Continuing sexual activity very intense, controlled, refined, purified growth and flowering occurs "Yggdrasil" within the structure of the initiate.
The wolf and the tree are symbols of thousand years old.
                For this move simultaneously grim living conditions, unimaginable: just as Odin was sacrificed by hanging himself upside down from Yggdrasil, until he got when crossing between life and death. Then managed to stabilize the passage, he stopped it, held it until he saw the runes and managed to collect ...
                Widolf working at Yggdrasil own growth and flowering, for which sacrifice everything, including himself, metaphorically come to be hung on the tree house. For this internal tree sacrificing him so he hangs from the tree. Nothing interested him. Sacrificing everything to this tree and its sacrifice and blood flowed from his wounds metaphorical flourishes tree Yggdrasil ...
                Widolf go through such suffering and humiliation by such inhuman conditions of life and work completely unimaginable that feeds Yggdrasil, by his suffering and "his blood", which it creates in him sexually: to flourish.
                Feel how often receives deafening hammer blows inside the head, in the brain. Like two huge pieces of metal that is pure strike with infinite power to each other! An infinitely powerful hammer striking an anvil dense pure metal. Gods modifies "wolf forest" hitting him inside and outside ...
                Incredibly dangerous life situations occur, so that many initiates lose their lives. Unimaginable suffering. Terrible humiliation and embarrassing beyond any limit of endurance. Feel faint imminent ... There is no force or power without a body ... Efforts will end ... Just keep him off ... Maximum Fighting for survival. Refining erotic / sexual and ceaseless self-overcoming. Enlarge simultaneous sexual tension beyond any limit. Unimaginable sacrifices to preserve your partner and keeping it in good conditions in order to receive what she has to offer us. And more ... indescribable ... we do not mention to avoid frightening ascent hopefuls.
                If the initiate hears of Freyja and do everything by the book, as Freyja it directs survives and remains healthy enough to continue indefinitely such a thing and then her work had shown in experiments dream unmistakable. ..
                It feels more powerful Odin Energy ... others are terrified and do not understand something ... ... Wolf emanates from within ...
                The lone wolf of the forest begin to see what is shown: incredibly beautiful flowers; Huge flowers and strong colors, rich nature and growing, impossible to describe in words; trees full of flowers incredible, huge, shiny; You own your own home or walls freshly painted in yellow castle ineffable; everything is bright yellow; precious stones; flowered walkways; filled with huge trees and flowers; ineffable and exquisite dams arranged walking through deep forest; Magical states; idyllic; changing the position of the stars in the sky; solar system planets move in place and create a new structure of the infinite positioning itself ... otherwise; and so on
                It appears again and again Freyja and Odin or Tyr, or another male deity as "king" and "queen". Is constantly guided, warned, guarded advised, beloved by Freyja ...
                Many secrets ... happen wolf initiation ... ☺
                This increase Yggdrasil inside the ride through the forest initiatives trees, Widolf is hanged on his own work: hang just like Odin, unaided by anyone, absolutely anyone, windy, raining and fever unimaginable . It is completely alone, a murderous loneliness, terrible as it is not given to people never meet ...
                As it would be enough Norse gods and ask the initiate to injure himself, as Odin which was pierced with a lance himself "Gumnir". The lone wolf of the forest must be dead injure himself alone ... ... and makes it immediately ...
                The sufferings they bring on the verge of death ... life started to hang a little luck. Without this luck at the last moment, he is permanently lost. If he survives, survives if it means that nature is consistent with what is required from the Nordic Gods of an initiated and enabled them to live: opening a small loophole i ...
                Luck occurs is given by Norse gods that offers the possibility culmination initiatory work.
                The culmination of this work, the successful completion of the creation of Yggdrasil is announced very particular initiatives: one of his ancestors, deceased already, or even his grandfather (dead being) someone on the line to blood, he appears to be alive and it Calls in an adjoining room. There had shown "lone wolf of the forest" Yggdrasil adorned huge.
                Nordic Initiative is showing fruit of his labors: sex work incredible and hanging dire own tree, which grew and he did grow and flourish with their own energies of life, "life force" and its own suffering, blood and sacrifices unspeakable .
                Line of blood succeeded! All predecessors are rewarded, because of their blood, the efforts and sufferings, to their improved survival instincts and they were sent, there was a "Widolf" a lone wolf of the forest that reached Asgard!
                A beloved ancestor, full of love and honor, calls fir forest survivor, the survivor hanging on Yggdrasil, to observe what succeeded, what created that arrived!
                For Yggdrasil create within you through suffering unimaginable erotic work, is to become an Asgardian, entering as an inhabitant of Asgard Asgard right: an Asgardian!
                Bloodline own failed: produced one of Asgard! A new Asgardian was born!
                Creating Yggdrasil inside provide incredible spiritual powers. An inner strength ... impossible to overcome unmatched by anything. Nothing lasts ... There are no limits to become Asgardian wolf.
                An incredible spiritual intuition: knowing exactly what to do in any situation whatsoever. Complete disappearance of inner suffering, suffering whose place was taken by a "power" boundless ...
                It appears ability to access any "creature" from other worlds. The new focus Asgardian has only slightly, to orient their attention easily, and requires a creature of any of the nine worlds and answer or help comes soon! Initiate feels triumphant and receive direct answers to any creature of the nine worlds.
                The magical powers of nature assists lone wolf ...
                Forest wolf feels very clear that it is capable of any effort and that his power is boundless ... there is something he can not do: with joy and delight. No longer understands his weakness and alienation people around him!
                Initiate can make any wish ... ... always with a smile and warmth in the heart.
                Initiate permanent feels intimate love and warmth offered by partner refined. Love and warmth that remain deeply rooted in the nature and depth of its internal profunziea. He no longer feels the need to be loved by anyone: love is the most intense and hot set, crystallized in his love partner offered wonderful removed in its path ... Freyja, the flowers spring up around that.
                There is denied love: love but whole existing in it ... inside.
                No more suffering for love: love is permanent in interior ... resides with the same force incredible and intense ... without ever diminishing. It is a constant heat ... refined ... noble ... intense ... wonderful ... ... with strong force that will not go away ... never ... is always inside.
                Forest wolf looks around and does not understand the emptiness people and their desperate run for love and recognition ...
                Others looked at with awe and even mocking sarcasm .... He Widolf has all inside ... does not need anything from outside. And frankly, no longer understand people. I seem pathetic, pathetic, incredibly weak and acting like leaves in the wind. Refrain not mock ...
                Wolf is immune to any worldly suffering.
                Obviously, the initiate has passed the normal condition of man ... it is already something else: was self-went completely!
                Freyja, Tyr, Odin, Thor dealt initiate ...
                Love that he received from his partner, noble and refined, remains eternally within him! Because sexual initiation labors that have crystallized and made to fix it in deep and intimate warmth, love infinitely profound received ...
                The lone wolf of the forest feels completely ... and is actually completely by using Freyja.
                Yggdrasil universal opened its doors to complete while he is inside Yggdrasil, created and flourished. From the inside ... it has a connection to all the worlds.
                The symbol is shown with evident joy ancestor: the Christmas tree! Initiate sees a huge tree, green, strong, thick, full and adorned as never seen another one. This tree is Yggdrasil created its complete interior!
                Of course that kind of tree can differ depending on the structure of internal spiritual, intimate, you link it to a totem or another, from the old times ...
                Then, in a dream-like initiatory experience, the Nordic Initiative sees reached the top at very high ... he arrived in Asgard ...! Obsessed experience long ... remains deeply rooted in him.
                What success: not only personal, but the whole bloodline accomplished and ennobled! All the efforts and sufferings ancestors fulfilled in a new Asgradian! Bloodline failed! This bloodline has triumphed by initiated! It has achieved its purpose transmitted instincts were good enough to make the initiate to enter into Asgard.
                Bloodline was so effective, so improved that created a new Yggdrasil, led to the creation and flourishing of Yggdrasil!
                This bloodline created an Asgardian!
                The bloodline has flourished ....

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