sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 7 - Google Translate

The Tower

                Shortly after becoming a Dragon, the lone wolf is announced to experience deep initiation that must flee further and sees separates a group of two or three people and went, without being seen by anyone in -a dense forest, through an impenetrable thicket ... the only entry into the dark and impenetrable forest.
                Suddenly and in absolute secrecy, without the knowledge of anyone running, hiding inside the forest. Splits again people ... It is extremely rushed. He has no time for anything.
                In outer life-hellish moments abysmal that it terrorizes and make him crawl like a terrified, shivering and being unable to control his fear / panic / despair / inability to live normally are fewer and episodic. Lower than the Green Dragon in the forest ... Yet they fear and panic to torment him every moment ... every moment ... powerful dragon bit of it ...
                Partner is something completely different: no sexual attraction / erotic / sensual. The wolf must do the impossible and to keep: this strange partner ... completely different from another world.
                The new partner is all this incredibly strong ... matchless earth's surface. Gives the impression of living a lead weight ... it is something so dense and hard that can not be destroyed ... nothing.
                She, ironically, is not affected by place of darkness and suffering that goes Lupul initiatives. He sees but feels they have no effect on them! It's something incredible ... But very necessary, otherwise it would not be possible to advance the forest "Tower" ...
                Partner is strange ... has something inside her abysmal ... inspiring fear in others ... Gives the impression of infinite weight ... An unequaled stability ... not something you can do ... is a unique.
                Only lone wolf can touch it without fear. But ... as attraction and matching as erotic spark to initiate it is zero ...
                Lone wolf must do so and find solutions ... No sexual tension there ... It's not impossible ...
                Time goes against him.
                There is obvious feeling of fighting ... fighting giants impossible: you have defeated the giants ... Basically it is a struggle with powerful forces impossible ...
                It has clear spiritual experience that shows all the time on top of a huge houses with earth floor and begins to tremble. He is the highest peak of some huge building on top of mountains, earthquakes and earth-changing final disposal on the ground ...
                He is the top of a tower ... and looking down all the time. Everything is under it ... nothing is above him. Down ... earthquakes occur and that changes everything ... constructions take other positions, changes everything.
                In other experiences seen climbing mountains full of incredibly high ... snow ... in absolute solitude.
                Now Wolf Dragon has climbed hierarchies Yggdrasil.
                Dragon Fight for ascension began ...
                It is time to climb cosmic Yggdrasil, to overcome all existing hierarchies and ascended to the top of the hierarchy ...
                Fierce battle to climb Yggdrasil cosmic and defeat all its established hierarchies ... They resist ...
                Rise overcome hierarchies established by Yggdrasil ... ... here Asgard purpose: to prepare the way for it.
                It is necessary that the existing hierarchies of Yggdrasil to self-exceed and accumulate more light ... If I do not need to be changed in their positions for stagnating induce stagnation in cosmic Yggdrasil.
                Fight through cosmic hierarchy is allowed and supported by Tyr. This changes those that no longer correspond to their positions.
                Rise through the world Yggdrasil aims appropriation light from the top of ... Assimilation light, high aspiration towards light and vision, constant self-overcoming into the light ... and more light ... Asgard is what follows.
                Life situations change and improve on the one hand. But Dragon has so much work and so much stress that it can not cope ...
                Do not have time ... activity over activity. No longer relax at all. Morning wakes up tired. It is on the brink of collapse.
                The situations become critical ... and more is required of him continually. He has no time for a second ... is a terrible run ... All agglomerate ... All are critical. It is a terrible fight ...
                Day night struggling ... struggling ... He fights with everyone ... including partner struggling with the universe ... Everything in his path.
                Everything hurts ... everything opposes misfortune strikes ... everything ... every tiny aspect ... "Stop" threatens everywhere.
                But Wolf Dragon not afford no matter how small ... stop fighting ... Fighting over infinite acceleration speed and fight with everyone and everything ... Everything is against him ... The whole universe ...
                Nothing works well ... anything ... everything breaks, crashes ... appear bottlenecks and hindrances incredible and unsuspected everywhere ... in all directions ... it spares nothing ... and all it attacked and put barricades.
                Dragon realizes he must stay as hidden from everyone and everything and yet somehow continue to do: it's impossible! People are moved by strange forces and attacking him continuously on the dragon. It understands the harsh reality of the facts: not allowed to hurt or hit someone because that would mean harming the innocent free. For the others are driven by hidden forces of Yggdrasil and not acting on their own will and decision.
                Anyone who sees initiated immediately turns deadly enemy and hid, that shall be launched against him with all forces, like a demented ... full of rancor, hatred, senseless cruelty, malice etc. Free ...
                The lone wolf has done the impossible: to fight and make an incredibly short time achievements normally requires several years.
                Time is accelerating incredible and can not initiate any blow. Struggling day and night, moment by moment, making infinite things in very short time, to hide all and all, to circumvent and anticipate the spiritual forces preparing any possible blockage, any obstacle unimaginable, any impairment, stop, etc.
                At the same time, without sexual tension, activate "life energy" with his partner, with whom lack any attraction or interest sensual / erotic / sexual one side ...
                Dragon Wolf impossible things that is required to make completely impossible ... And is impossible to enumerate them all the impossible ... ... and that should be taken very quickly, immediately, now, all at once. ..!
                In addition suffering infernal hidden inside what it terrorize, torment him in half. You can not appease the dragon. There is additionally panic of not making a stroke or not to die off, in sleep or fell down because efforts unimaginable against the entire universe became absolutely hostile and because states abysmal internal unbearably with struggling . The fight continues with "giants" ... fight the "giants" ...
                There are moments that would like to quit, but it appears that Freyja, in a trembling voice full of hot petition, asks the initiate to resist necessarily: it is absolutely necessary and must resist anyway. Freyja he prays crying ...
                Dragon has left behind any hope of escaping ... go ahead with incredibly powerful struggle against the whole universe just because she can not do anything else ... I suspect that he would die soon. But there is no turning back.
                Areas experiencing frightening night that it paralyzes. There are so frightening that one feels paralyzed ... Dragon Case infinitely evil witch ... ... mess tainted air perdition ...
                But the lone wolf should continue.
                Face without realizing, impossible things ... speed is accelerating forever. There is no time for anything ...
                Wolf was surprised that more lives ... can not explain it.
                Understand that must not be unkind to others: they are only driven by hidden forces of Yggdrasil. It would be easy to destroy ... But then it would be too simple.
                Therefore Dragon understands that being "good" is not a moral or ethical requirement, but one that compels him to live a thousand times more difficult: for if they allow any action would be easy to defeat anyone. But if not allowed to cause any damage to others, that are required to be "good" to infinity, then denies a range of possible actions.
                Therefore, being infinitely good and friendly with others voluntarily and consciously becomes unimaginably difficult. It is more difficult to do what you do if you are tied hands and feet, unless you're not.
                Being good is a requirement of self-overcoming their qualities and capacities that the initiate must defeat all denying an incredible range of weapons and action. But he must find new solutions, new actions so as not to cause harm. So tied hands and feet by his own will, wolf dragon must invent whatever is infinitely harder. You must gain new abilities ... to develop new skills and new weapons ... ...
                The initiation and ascension toward the light at the top of Yggdrasil being "good" is not a moral but a tool for self-locking volunteer to become even better and more creative and inventive and more capable and stronger and wiser, and so on Something that obviously helps a greater self-overcoming ...
                For what people consider bad or good timing is obviously just silly. And this means perfect in forest green dragon after killing his own eyes to absorb ultimate wisdom. Then understood perfectly that what people consider bad today is nothing more than a whim: there is no "good" or "bad". It is a ridiculous invention: made to sclaviza man ... that he does not see the light ...
                Thus, returning is impossible situations go over every moment ... The initiate is sincerely amazed and surprised that he did not die! Somewhat? Why this happened? Is it possible?
                But it does not have infinite continues ... fight ...
                At one point seen climbing up ski hill, in a competition. At power down, is applauded and encouraged everybody is extremely happy ... But once you enter the contest and get the first, and still advance above notes that it is completely alone ... although markings that lead to competition finally there. But not only left him no one else is up!
                Up there, where he arrived, completely alone ... there is no one ... he just ... he just got up there ... The top of this creation ... the highest mountain peak ... where there is no one ...
                No one is to wait ... because up there where he was, is not actually anyone ... And never was one ... is completely alone in a place of triumph.
                That means that he has only a little ... it is already close to absolute peak of Yggdrasil.
                Beyond Muspelheim. He went muspelheimul.
                Gods sees in him ... he is the highest point in the sky ... and lunch ... he deities spend a festive meal and extremely refined and special ... Dragon wolf But he is unable to attend far above them ... and keeps looking down ... it is very hard work, excitement down there ...
                Dragon Wolf understands that the fight goes to climb up to the top as Yggdrasil.
                At one point, after fierce fighting with forces industrious unimaginable and gigantic battles with "giants", arriving in Niflheim ... Initiate inside ice becomes crystal pure and transparent ... ... He is a giant of Niflheim .
                Many events are not reported here ... each must discover for himself. Here are just steps radicals, cataclysmic changes that must be met. But there are many, many incredible events we mentioned ... And it's better that way ...
                After another nice unimaginable, and fight the "giant" with events and powerful forces impossible cruelty and terror of them, they enter into the inner nature Muspelheim ... "Wolf Dragon" becomes fire ... He is now Muspelheim .. . the tallest and strongest area of ​​Yggdrasil. The invincible ... he becomes invincible ...
                He enters Muspelheim justly acquired by the internal nature of fire is not given to anyone.
                The initiate is still surprised that he did not die! And this is an impossible event!
                Odin, Tyr are ecstatic and very happy ...!
                Freyja is serene, joyful and elated released ...
                It is a unique success ...
                It's over! Lone Wolf, driven by Odin and Freyja oriented, tested Tyr, and helped in secrecy many other creatures wise and bright, achieved the strongest place: primordial Muspelheim that existed long before Yggdrasil, long before the creation. It primordial force with Niflheim form creation at a time ...
                It came up. Above both primary manifestation is to overcome ... the first spark. There is nothing above.
                The initiate is on top of his tower. He sees: it is huge and can not be spotted throughout the stretch. The initiate is on top of this tower ...
                Then ... if things calm down ... there is a strange silence and a reward, mundane ...
                Out of nowhere appears in the quiet rest ... painful, announcing colorful necessity to erect a second tower, next to the already created! It's incomprehensible! How? Not everything was finished? What happens? It's impossible what is happening.
                Then Thor gives us meeting - screaming of all the forces of creation that brain and mind are on the brink of crushing and spray - the doors that lead outside Muspelheim terrible ... that is at the other end ... and Muspelheimului giving out to ... "in the other direction."
                Shattering the gates of the universe are what give toward the gates through which the infinite light ... not allowed anyone, not even a god, a giant or a Muspelheim pass ... nobody really knows the terrible gates of creation ... giving beyond the primordial forces of Muspelheimului ...
                Opening to the other side ...
                Although opposes wolf dragon, became Muspelheim, has no use: everything was already decided and arranged ...
                Appear out of nowhere situations thousands of times more intense and painful ... Initiate feels receives a final blow to his head with a hammer inside immense ... from Thor. Is a blow as there are no strikes ... Following this feels in his head, on a spiritual level, it produced a huge hole ... the impression that there is nothing between him and the rest. Changes everything inside.
                Observe the night ... what amounts to a second tower bewildering speed ... For some reason it takes the second turn ...
                And immediately the second tower is built ...
                Then ... after a short period feels like the spark tense and evil ... he entered the Muspelheim initiated once sacrificed right eye, removes tension is unfair ... and suddenly disappears ...
                It's a huge issue ... But the initiative remains without tension, though evil and harmful gave him strength to continue whatever.
                All Aesir is achieved such aspirations. Therefore reach the top of Yggdrasil, the highest light ... beyond Niflheim and Muspelheim, even if they are primordial forces.
                The initiate is saved Niflheim and even Muspelheim (fire with its darkness and blackening). All these have been overcome. The initiate is invincible and no poison has no effect ... Like Sigmund, father of Sigurd, completely immune to any poison.
                Victory is total!
                It reached "peak light" ...
                It turned north mystery of initiation.
                The goal was achieved entry into Asgard ...
                Lone wolf is clearly seen as a huge dragon with a single eye in the middle gigantic head. It looks like a dragon with a single eye in his forehead ... a huge eye / creepy ... you stared at all ... The experience is so vivid that he never looks.
                The role of Asgard flooded with light from the top of the highest mountain, was fulfilled: Initiate led up to the highest light ... far beyond the ice and fire ... to the top of Yggdrasil final where "light ... "shines without hindrance ...
                There is something deeply inspiring and fulfilling after so many battles: super human ... completely lit "light" boundless ... the highest state obtained super human ... completely fulfilled! Total victory!
                It has reached the top of Yggdrasil ... have been overcome and defeated all hierarchies ...

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