sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 11 - Google Translate


                The Nordic Initiatic Mysteries are extremely painful and terrible ... impossible. Survival is not guaranteed.
                In these mysteries are not required balance calm mind or soul, as in Buddhism, yoga, Hinduism, etc. There tends to bring man into harmony, comfort zone, maximum comfort.
                Do not try relieving idiots. Or "harmonization" degenerates.
                Initiation into the mysteries Nordic initiates torture. He is throwing more beyond comfort zone, out of whatever is familiar and natural. It is a grim affair which only leads to activation of survival instincts.
                If you initiate settles tutorials or psychotherapy, he is immediately thrown into a catastrophe and greater desperation infinite, leaving no place any control, which is far beyond just survival instincts and act through it.
                Nordic gods and then acting on it, and fight those required by them, educating and transforming the initiate in the deepest parts of its ...
                Northern initiation has to do with mind or emotion. Northern initiation takes place in the deepest instincts ...
                He was hanged for the initiate to experience death. If escape then became initiated as a result of experiences made in the area between life and death. If died, it was failed. So it was in the primordial survival was led to activation of survival instincts ...
                Initiate northern destroy any course, any calming, balancing any, any comfort, any reflection, kill any trace of consolation and hope ... the future is all just fall into the abyss of infinite ... but the initiative must continue ... There is nothing initiated in the future ... if he finds the way to Asgard good for him, if not to die now! For it is a rotten seed, without glory, without intimate real value it is only degeneration whims ... and imperfection malignant and very dangerous instincts ... Therefore, nothing good can come authentically from him again. ..
                North does not mean rescue ... "salvation of the soul", but torture to initiate, bitter struggle, despair infinite and unimaginable effort, beyond considerations of mind and emotion ... beyond ...
                Initiate northern flings itself into the infinite abyss ... and one save ... if his instincts are sufficiently improved: after millennia of effort of their own bloodlines ... Then get the fruit, if the initiative succeeds, his own bloodline.
                Then reaches unimaginable efforts made from time immemorial by his ancestors in fierce fighting through terrible darkness of the time ...
                Then carry out all the sufferings and inhuman efforts forebears and ancestors (the bloodline) have done to survive and transmit what was most precious and valuable future children, grandchildren, great- grandchildren ... great-grandchildren uncertain future in the darkness ... ... over thousands of years. Initiate ... and ... finally ... get into Asgard by Odin received at the table ... Gods!
                Born suddenly in initiated deep and humiliating gratitude to all who made him what he is and gave her a warm and passionate love their genes forged: his own ancestors that offered all that is best in soul and spirit their ... because he can get ... once ... ... table Gods in Asgard!
                Only a few bloodlines ... get there ... the rest are finished Asgard, Odin destroyed and finished the rest of the Nordic Gods.
                Therefore Norse Gods working with the people, the whole "Folk" continually, day and night ... to improve Europeans for thousands of years ...
                Norse gods are working on a primal level. Educate and spiritualize instincts and do not mind or emotion. Not interested in thoughts of the surface activity of the intellect or emotional agitation. They put in situations where the initiate can not cope in situations that abandon what they know and intervene in the action and to rescue instincts. And those instincts are sublimated and transformed into the initiative.
                Cases in which the initiate is placed resembles the struggle to survive a deadly danger immediately lethal when present. Where is immediately into action to save our instincts ... ...
                For example, after work initiation terrible, the initiate is on the brink of failure nervous system to the brink of concussion because of the tension and fatigue, the gods of Norse put him in situations where you must fight like a lion to defeat a new situation absolutely impossible, ridiculous, humiliating, impregnable.
                Now Odinic Initiate, with the state of imminent brain collapse, has nothing else to do than to fight without the intrusion of the mind or emotions. Any intrusive thoughts or mind, emotions and instant immediately lead him to death by shaking the nervous system. Thus, he has no choice but to relax, not to die, to forget everything and to act after fighting instinct. Then remove the mental agitation, thoughts, emotions and his instincts are still spiritualized, refined, learned, educated, "ascended".
                When you ask for recovery, relaxation, rest not die after embarrassing and terrible efforts survival are attacked and deadly situations in which you have to fight even more. Thus, in the midst of battle you learn that the most heinous and terrible no peace ... quiet ... recovery. An unequal and unfair battle ... embarrassing situations ...
                They Norse gods, do not offer peace or physician heal you, good and positive situations for your recovery. But throws you the most and fierce battle, where everyone attacks you, a battle that anyway you can not earn it. Then you realize that you can do, but you have to abandon your instincts and find recovery and rest in the worst fighting just to survive. So you learn to overcome the mind, thoughts, emotions and instincts to quit on hand already spiritualized. Then, in the middle ... you recover and rest. Heal! That helps the Nordic gods. They make you fight with "giants" ...
                When ascended fight as not imagine anyone. And when you got to the end and you can not come other more dire and so on until the disposal of the body. Then when you are about to give you are put in situations of immediate combat, so you can restore ...
                When you ask rest are thrown into bitter struggle to learn and to succeed to rest anyway in any way. To learn that the only true reality are their instincts and education and spiritualization.
                Odin, the Norse gods are not interested in "what you think", your beliefs, your emotions (happiness or sorrow or weariness, despair, etc.). But your instincts. They work at instinctively. Beyond any manifestation.
                So that any religion would come, should any problems arise, any other world we would oppress instincts will continue to operate ascent toward the light, Norse gods as these have educated ... and educate them in European man.

                Nordic spirituality working on a completely different level than any other spirituality of the earth's surface. Does not require faith, does not require daily spiritual practice, not demands commitment. Nothing mentally and even emotionally. No control of the mind or emotions. But work beyond any form ... working instinct!
                So that any religion would have Europeans in any culture would find in any emotional situation as in life, spiritual ascension to the light work and self-improvement is achieved in instinct, in the depths of the primordial being.
                Odin or Tyr is not interested in ephemeral surface lies where thinking and emotionality. Constantly changing surface ...
                Europeans know whether or not mentally / emotionally conceptual or feel that something is happening inside his instinct, his gods, Norse gods, it works and it's put to work on instinct ... they spiritualize.
                Nordic spiritual work refers to spiritualisation of instincts, instincts educated so that they can be upward ...
                No one can attain spirituality north ... she carries deep, beyond any form mental or emotional, religious or cultural, beyond any worldly form or situation beyond any prohibition or observation: takes place in instinct, without even knowing the man.

                What to speak of religious leaders and their work inquisitor? Since Roman times there was a will "dark" fanatic, to completely destroy European spirituality ... to make it disappear ... to eliminate the light ... Rome, Julius Caesar, eliminated completely spiritual teachers central Europe's Celtic: Druids. He killed all Druids: not left none alive. So intent was clear: the destruction and eradication of authentic European spirituality.
                Such a crime was only possible because Rome was run from within a "dark intent." Otherwise we can call since was indulged to such unimaginable crimes removal of the entire European spirituality, regardless of the price paid.
                Then, also in Rome, the Catholic Church was created. This too, was indulged in the most gruesome and hellish actions to achieve the complete elimination of Nordic spirituality, or any trace of her. No time in history has there been such a terror and human darkness as the time of maximum power of the Vatican. The same "intention" dark therefore created, and the Vatican.
                Moreover, Catholic orders have appeared strange: Crusaders monks, then the Masons with all their forms, then the whole range of semi-Masonic groups that rozcrucienii, ortho Templi orientis, Gnostics, Thelema, etc, etc, etc. All these organizations have the sole purpose of propagating a "foreign spirituality" degrading and absurd, in fact, in Europe. It means so much to fill the intellectual and cultural life with misunderstood Orientalism and avraamisme and maliciously taught that completely purge any "authentic northern Europe spirituality."
                Therefore the same "intention" to make spirituality northern European authentic, to be forgotten / mocked / minimized the / removed as an inferior. Where only avraamisms and orientalisms are considered superior, although their effects are actually catastrophic: the ultimate fanaticism generated haze, crime and genocide, human degradation.
                They actually trying coverage darkness of mankind: human retardation, humiliation and mockery man ... a man turning into a degenerate incapable and unrecoverable. And especially discrediting and if possible complete elimination and final of science and knowledge beliefs and replacing them with absurd and ridiculous activities / degenerate / blockers on the human level ...
                Although crying out loud "Humanity" they are driven by "intention" to stop the dark and permanently destroy man, humanity, and to stop the creativity and effort to develop more and more in all directions ... Any on their part, locking / destruction / human degeneration ...
                And the whole movement "New Age" is a desperate effort to produce chaos and degeneration in human spirituality ...
                Fortunately these cases have already been exceeded, the Norse gods, the "spirit" of the deep Europeans for thousands of years. The ascent continues ... terrible ... uninterrupted, continuously ... relentless ... occurred only in Europe ... despite any type terror abysmal chaos Abrahamic or any so-called "spiritual" degenerate and producer scrap oriental ...
                Northern Light has surfaced in spite of everything and try hard now to save humanity ... by opening the way to an interplanetary civilization, free from any constraints ... to save humanity through her independizarea any danger (medical, mental , emotional, physical, cosmic, etc.).
                Nordic Spirit broke through ... Boreal ineffable light, pure and refined, shine ... and lead humanity to its own ascension and advance ...
                Odin working in secret. In any adventure and testing, as we have seen, bearing another name. Odin is always hidden ... it is one of its features: concealment and disguise. Nobody suspected anything until everything has already happened and was done and erupted with anger ...
                Odin took care and protected the northern spirituality as no one suspected ... Odin has achieved all this within it, submitting to the suffering, torture, mutilation to achieve ascension deepest and spiritualized in the deepest part of his being. And offered all that was best European man who took care of him and asked for help. He and the man behind his teacher and his guardian: Tyr, who offered his right hand to guard the wolf Fenrir Odin ... Odin do the same for its people ...

                What it is right and good to use rising beyond, and evil which leads to degeneration.
                In northern religiosity there Platonic concepts of "absolute good" and "absolute evil" (good and bad in itself itself in Kantian or how good-bad duality of primitive Gnostics), regardless of context.
                In Norse everything depended on context, and "good" and "evil" Platonic, which is Arabic in origin origin, did not exist. There were and there are no genuine action for the European spirit "good" in all circumstances absolutely "bad" in any situation would be. There is no such thing.
                Shares were desirable if the rise and bringing new in certain situations. And were dismissed if other circumstances and situations produced degeneration.
                Good as well as bad and evil did not exist. They were good actions and bad in certain contexts in other contexts and situations. The rise was desired, refined, the new, improved inner nobility of human nature ... ...
                Thus, the Norse Gods have transcended any religious manifestations, table static mode absolute laws or cultural requirements or prohibitions. European spirit can not be stopped in his ascent. Work is going on instinct ... beyond good and evil ...
                From there comes the light ... and there goes into the man inside and enlightens all other parts of his being: mind, emotion, body expression.
                Nordic initiatory mysteries happen without the knowledge of anyone ... and beyond any hindrance ... with unimaginable cruelty ... your ancestors had to endow you with incredible qualities to resist ... and win!
                Freyja, Odin, Tyr and others continued work dreadful, heavy and light, orientation of education and human nordic, easily within and without one knows the whole period obscuring "Christian" nowadays. And this for thousands of years ...
                Nothing can stop them ...
                Work continued upward continues with an unstoppable force, moment by moment, in secret inside man ... ...
                No one can understand what is happening.

                With Nietzsche and his Zarathustra, initiating spirit of deep, hidden, Odin has surfaced ...
                Odin Energy in the past was reserved on one side only "rise of Nordic Initiatic" and on the other hand training warriors of the north, "einherjar" and "valkyrii".
                Odin Energy, a wind of hurricane unleashed, was enriched with the intrinsic nature of Muspelheimului invincibility ... For Odin had in ancient times older than you might think, blood pact with Loki. Loki is a son of fire ... so nature Odin was enriched with nature ... nature Muspelheimului fire.
                Odin by Nietszche, managed to penetrate directly in consciousness and thus within the European humanity ... the mind, soul and spirit of Europe.
                Odin Energy has entered into the soul and minds! Even if these initiatives are not wolves, dragons, einherjar or valkyrii.
                Humankind has been "fertilized" with "energy Odin" ... It is now the structure and nature of humanity and the "European spirit".
                Odin has surfaced structure, without having understood this. Odin structure penetrated the conscious of humanity, the mental and the emotional, without anyone truly understood this.
                And the world has changed! With Nietzsche Odinicul fully penetrated humanity. And the world has changed radically. The world became something else after Nietzsche.
                Humanity has accelerated in an unbelievable, beyond the impossible, their development on all levels. The effects are incredible. We live in a completely different world: technology unimaginable just 100 years ago. Globalization and penetration values ​​and the "European spirit" in all corners of the world, in every way.
                European spirit of all humanity fertilized. European spirit saved the future of humanity through medical science through incredible technologies ... through universalisation of ethical and moral values ​​of the European spirit. By freedom offered at all levels of the European spirit. The planet was completely changed!
                European spirit, from its scientific issue has produced its own planet. Conscious mental resourcefulness, fertilized Odin generated robots that are already on the surface of some planets of our solar system and on the surface of these planets moons. Moreover, there are robots that have already exceeded the limits of the solar system ... and traveling through infinite space .... completely autonomous, sending back learn about the world in which we find ourselves.
                Science labs have already made artificial "black hole" and we are very close, if not happened already, create the "micro" level structure and operation of solar control: artificially generating a star, a "sun" . And controlling activity. The present humanity is about to control the forces of the universe. Odin fertilized ingenuity is infinite ...
                All this happened in about 100 years. More than two thousand years of Abraham and nothing ... Once Odin energy has penetrated the mind and soul of man was an explosion occurred ...
                Odin structure benefits are endless ...
                The knowledge of humanity is unbelievable. What man is able to do today could not have even dreamed of.
                The values, qualities, structure, naturalness and normality Odin are deeply rooted in the collective soul ... And without realizing humanity partakes of "Odin energy" ...
                As it happened with the shared nature of Freyja. European spirit was freed absurdity Abrahamic jam and sexual aberrations miserable. It was rediscovered naturalness ... the need and the natural eroticism and sensuality. Sexual energy is more active than any time in humanity ... European spirit can again enjoy the freedom erotic pleasure ... sexual ... sensuality so beneficial ...
                This issue of "life energy" and the complex phenomena that accompany deep ... will be followed by refining natural ... inevitable.
                Eroticism, sensuality, light with energies activity will refine natural life ... will enrich incredible ...
                Life energy, and it offers wonderful conditions will be fine from now on ... endlessly ... For a beauty that will not stop any time to further refine itself ... And now that I got rid of terror, misery and bad intentions towards life avraamiselor dark eroticism that are part of us.
                The man was released ... in inventiveness, knowledge, power, sensuality and eroticism ... in beauty, freedom and self-overcoming.
                Refinement and nobility sensual, erotic-sexual, intimate sensuality and ability to share a refined and beauty, have a way to go ... But were released ... and the natural process of refinement was already activated ... arhietipul Freyja working continuously ...
                Refining comes without conscious effort, the instincts ...
                Where are upward ... ☺
                Similarly, knowledge has a map to solve most problems universe ... but unleashing occurred.
                Odin and Freyja have now entered into the mind and soul and the Europeans ... and thus of humanity ...
                And everything changed ... instantly ... in a way impossible to believe.
                Humanity was enriched with what only some few in north ... they were given. Having access to energy and energy Freyja Odin is not a small thing ... it is an infinite gain ...

150 Midgard, Jotunheim, Alfheim, Nivadelir, Vanaheim, Asgard, Helheim, Muspelheim, Nifhleim.
151 All these names designate qualities incredible: the more skillful, terrible, lonely traveler, tunătorul serpent / dragon, long beard, father of the fallen, Victorious master the waves, who called aloud, the pushing, the master of desire, the what is white, who is disguised master at wearing helmet / that is always attentive and defense / for war, the welcome, dazzling the army, who reveals the truth, the great, the true, who change their appearance, the happy battle, inflamed eyes, the eyes compassionate, experienced, who is experienced in deception, the ability to appear in many forms ... each sees it otherwise, there is no time the same, etc.
152 Volsung, Sigurd, Helgi, Angantyr, Sinfjotli, Sigmund, Jormunrek, Hraudung, Harald Halfdan, etc., etc., etc.

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