sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 6 - Google Translate

The licking of the wounds

                Dragon appears in physical pain painful but fleeting, due to muscle tension and stress she went through unimaginable.
                Breathe the air of freedom .... after years of darkness and lack of any hope ...
                It feels a need to take another route ... now something else is needed.
                People are scared of him, not to explain, just his mere presence. There is an effect of fear, panic, lock, hardening the view "Wolf Dragon".
                People are afraid of him and try, without understanding why, to depart. Simultaneously with malice, envy and revenge from them.
                This reality appears very well described in "Fafnir's poem" [7] where people who envy him enemies and ...
                For those closer to him the situation is dual: to have a hungry wolf all the time and need to kill a wolf ... to end with him ... to compromise the lone wolf ... wolf destroy the forest ...
                Absolutely inexplicable! And acts very dangerous ... absolutely abnormal and pathological manifestation pros and cons and often simultaneously ...
                Clearly manifests hostile forces of chaos.
                Dragon feels the need to strengthen the body ... to heal, to recover health, vitality and forces you lost.
                She remembers, suddenly and without conscious effort, incessantly, that way terrible has done and limitless amount of "life energy" has accumulated inside! ... Dangers entire oceans and efforts that have never been heard or experienced by anyone ...
                He kept wondering, how to resist? May? It is alive and mostly still working normally? How was it possible to generate and accumulate inside oceans without limit, infinite amounts of energy to life: by controlling sexuality?
                Do not understand how managed to do all this. It is a mystery to him ...
                But ... in his deep, there are terrible and abnormal hunger to continue and dread lest they stop all the time. Excruciating hunger of the soul toward the light ... to more light ... For strength and wisdom to self-improvement ... To mysteries and deeper ...
                Obviously, the nature of Odin, no limits and always searching and hunting, nature Nordic Initiative is ... he is ... He is a Dragon Odin ... He is a lone wolf of Forest Asgardian ... Initiatory ...
                Can not stop to realize with astonishment immeasurable what he went through and how many did ... He feels that it is impossible to include everything made aware and lived ...
                Again and again I come to mind lakes, deep forests and impenetrable that it has successfully crossed ... ...
                Realize infinite night, deep in the boreal night was found ... And that managed to lose!

143 Henceforth, it is no longer just an initiate: he is an Asgardian, one who has chosen the way forward self-overcoming. A man can not pass through forest Green Dragon. Only an Asgardian can do it. Therefore, this last step is initiated by an Asgardian, not a man initiated. 'Lone wolf of the forest "becomes" asgardian wolf ". Slaughter right eye, or Forest Green Dragon is a stage of Asgardienilor who want to overcome self-! Therefore from now on we will refer to Initiated at lone wolf or Widolf as Asgardian!
About 144 nature iðunn was spoken interpretation of texts Edda section.
145 A OBTAINED our consciousness following the creation of Yggdrasil. So it's not common expanding human consciousness, but consciousness by passing a light of an Asgardian. People can not go through with it ... For Asgard have not even light received through the creation of "Yggdrasil inside" and accepting the city Gods Asgard.
146 A giant bull type that existed long ago in Europe. Now it is gone.
147 Dragon and gold are tightly linked and inseparable, identical in Norse mythology.
148 What to say when an Asgardian, or a simple man. We refer here to what is infinitely beyond understanding or conception power of a simple inhabitant of Asgard or a man.
149 Fafnismol, edges heroes, Edda.

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