sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 2- Google Translate


                At first it feels a strong aspiration to know and initiating events that transforms us through ...
                Odin breath deeply penetrate us ... every atom in every part of the being ... ... irresistible ... It is an ecstasy that does not stop a delight ... a direction quite sure yet unknown ... Unleash a howl in the night ... and wake up!
                Become something completely different to what I was: everything comes another sense ... everything has a different color ...
                A will ... a terrible indulgence and without stopping ... Odin touched us ... something comes into us: irresistible and invincible ...
                There is a tendency, the only reality that remains in us, that incessant breath and all-pervasive, unstoppable, northern wind storm completely unleashed.
                In special dream experiences, very different from common dreams, flee and escape continuously. Get out of impossible situations ... we can save our old tyrannies escape through over-work ... unbelievable ... we are in terrible prisons in an effort harrowing escape and succeed every time ...
                We are surrounded by a special aura ... and inside will invincible buzzing incessantly howling scream at us ... ... others, though not hear it out of the way terrorized and terrified ... Odin not It has limits ...
                Odin is manifested ... the giants trembled ...
                Suddenly appears out of nowhere and hunger dire and heartbreaking longing for "light" ... only more light ... light ... light and more light ... An irrepressible hunger to penetrate the ... understand everything ... to penetrate any understanding of light ... everything ... to know everything ... to have more light ... light ...
                It is something that torments us eternal soul ... day and night ... every moment.
                A suction and a dire need of light ...
                All that matters is only "light" ...
                Familiarity with issues Initiation comes quickly if there is a substantial sync with the voice that calls us ... Odin and unerringly strikes terrible ... Universe dreads ...
                Odin's character is unmistakable ... it manifests ... and manifests its fullness ... in the right time!
                In "Grimnir's poem" Edda poetic, searching for a specific type of Odin ... Search for Agnar generous soul who comes with an open heart to help those in need who puts himself in danger to help with heart open, understanding the suffering of others and try to help them, and not a Geirrod greedy, uncaring, thief and murderer.
                Grimnismol reveal two human dimensions and indicate clearly the requirements for access in northern Asgard. It initiates Agnar Odin on Yggdrasil structure and mysteries of Asgard ...
                If we possess a human dimension type Agnar and determination and ruthlessness type Zarathustra path is open ... and help initially appear immediately ...
                We enter into immediate and easy with all the information you need to know and help do not delay.
                It required more intimate familiarity with the Nordic deity who play the role of initiator and help deepen the secrets and practices. Also can be a god Tyr, Freyr, Heimdall, Freyja, Sif, etc. The protective, fine, fine, noble and delicate deity that can work is Freyja. Anyway it directs all the work of creating quasi-impossible Yggdrasil own interior.
                Reaching a familiarity with the chosen deity and a feeling of it, this communication is indispensable. I have already seen how the magical practice of riding can manifest itself more clearly communion with deity ... north ...
                Therefore, familiarity with Freyja and her call can be easily ... and it always is present next to one that now needs ... Obviously it will spend an exchange: she is willing to protect us and to initiate against a work to be done for her. This service is always in helping a person under our level: financial, social, intellectual, emotional, physical, etc. Once Freyja manages to save someone through our help comes simultaneously with all the love and attention to us.
                Freyja is the most gentle and delicate deity in her relationship with the people with whom you can work. The worst, incomprehensible, cruel and ruthless it seems Tyr.
                If working with Freyja can expect a humiliating descent below our level, to come to the aid of someone ... who selflessly to our appearance was destined / doomed. Especially it comes to people in emotional situations, trauma or injury, which can not go out alone. Freyja always saves those who have greatest need.
                Once we walk in pride and self-consideration and descend below our level to help and save Freyja who took us out in the way, will reward from them. It will not help us any time if we do not help her to be able to fulfill its destiny again and again ...
                So it is with all Nordic deities: require immediate reward for any help. It is not to abstain from eating or doing spiritual practices, no! But it's doing something in the physical world in Midgard. Norse gods ask to be assisted in their work ... require involvement from us and heaven facts, no nonsense "Abrahamic" self-flagellation.
                Therefore Norse Gods ask us to be the best and most capable in all! Ask us to incorporate the best qualities and refined intellectual, mental, physical, emotional, deepest penetration ...: ask for us to be over-people! No more.
                He who decides to work with the gods of Norse must expect to fight with all forces and resources to become a million times better in everything you can and what it is capable: you have to walk on their own criteria whimsical the moment and their silly egos to achieve direct and immediate action "Boreal" inside Midgard.
                For any aid necessary to do something in Midgard. Norse gods are immediate help, and requirements!
                Their action is the final blow of a hammer metal deafening! Metal hitting metal in terrible and deafening. Far beyond anything we expected us. They surprise us with power and violence immediately with instant kick and do the job. And expects us to do the job, no matter how difficult it may be. And what we ask is particularly difficult.
                Norse gods do not look at them too often so as not to shame in front of them, because of the weakness or cowardice. Working with Gods Nordic is final: ask all of us and we must be willing to sacrifice everything, cowardice, fear and timidity us, our weaknesses awkward, pride cranky and unproductive depravity, permanent search of safety, stupidity intellectual attachments sickly , sentimentality unbearable pity ourselves much thought to ourselves, etc!
                Their help is a disaster ... We are no longer the same after working with them. ... According remain forever change their nature. Some of them remain permanently in us ... to save us and through us to others. Receive their help but we must do their work. Participate both their strength and light and the debt that they have achieved. It's a partnership ...
                For this reason deity most careful and delicate that it can work is Freyja ... It is full of carefully refined and required actions ... all of us in its effort to refine and save the depravity, degeneration Northerners degrading and suffering they dearly loved. She's given up completely overcome self-exaltation and Nordics ... cares complete mindset of people and constantly refines and ennobles inside the Nordics. And the effects are seen everywhere ... As the millennia northern Europeans ...
                These gods guide us and we feel the action of iron. He who wishes to enter into the mysteries of the Nordic Initiative must know ... must ... under constant self-orientation beyond that which he has chosen for this work.
                Then we face the fact of sacrificing everything, our whole life, to go through initiations events. If we accept the deepest depths of our being sacrifice then slowly, imperceptibly and with a cadence of avalanches occurring events that radically changed conditions of our existence before: everything changes ... everything becomes different.
                We are left far beyond the comfort zone of our lives. You do not have to rely on except within us ... We fought a life and death; We have gone through the most terrible and horrifying humiliation; we endured the most harmful situations ... We hear and we try the most terrible possibilities but ultimately did not materialize ...
                Once I had that happen with serenity and keep alive and maximum willingness to continue, and the soul is hungry ascent ever, then spend again sudden changes, radical break, strange events that do not represent us at all and so we enter the next stage. Step that could cost health and even life!
                God Tyr is visiting us and is decideing for us ...

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