sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 1- Google Translate

The Odinic Path - Ascension Trough Yggdrasil

 We present phenomena of mysteries and Nordic Initiatic phenomena . These stories and experiences contain profound mysteries ... And people should be advised: to understand what is happening ...
                For those who want ascend in northern initiatory mysteries it is better to clarify the following: the precise techniques and magical practices is not necessary. If desired familiarity is sufficient practice, practicing and listening to your own instinct: too much theory and intellectual depth really hurts ...
                Deep inner voice, the voice of millennia of practice these magicians and initiations of our own ancestors, comes up if we open to it: it is what we were sent by blood, genetic, past ... And this aspiration and determining exactly pulls us towards success! Just as instinct does with any other mental, emotional, physical, etc.
                And practicing magic and entry into initiations remained deeply rooted in the structure and the internal nature of Northerners ... hundreds of thousands of years ... that instinct constituent of being ...
                Just as the survival instinct acts and even block, to our benefit, often crap superficial intellect and "beliefs" and waves of cultural ephemera, just instinct magic and especially the initiatory out and manifest self-powerful specifically, as a clock, when its activation by magical practices / initiatives: turning us into super-humans accurately.
                An explanation and accurate description of phenomena self-overcoming, so necessary upswing is clearly shown in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Nietzsche Friedr. It is what you need to do within its initiatives. Personal effort inside ...
                Initiate needs everything within it is presented in clear and obvious Zarathustra.
                And about turning "force" and "energy of life" in interior orientation is given here ... In the "Interpretations" and beyond.
                What should be done and needs to be done every time, sexuality and other practices Initiation Initiation is immediately understood anyway ...
                And even if a mistake is made or iðunn Freyja appear immediately, severe and stern faces, telling us exactly what was wrong and where to permanently corrected immediately. And when we pass in advance the pace demanded by Freyja or iðunn appear incredible experiences, unmistakably, a characteristic initiatory dream: explosions of light, blinding nuclear explosion, colors ... indescribable ineffable energies exploding in the universe ...
                Refining sensual / erotic / sexual initiation and self-overcoming produce forces that reverberate throughout the universe ... Yggdrasil trembles ... something terrible happens ...
                Rise through Yggdrasil has the support instinct forged in the earliest times ... At least hundreds of thousands of years ... Therefore it is exactly and precisely like a bullet!
                No need for any "cloak" or esoteric organization artificial ... lame.
                They say rightly, in the north: "The Bullshit Stops When The Hammer Drops!"
                When the hammer hit ... when you reached the northern light ... and put it in front of your immediate requirement / urgent self-overcoming and ascension through Yggdrasil ... hammer strikes without appeal ... and creating deafening to all the known-that unmistakable sound of metal struck out sparks ... the world ... and the living is subject buzzing ecstasy ... the time has come!

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