sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 8 - Google Translate

The Old Faced Man

                The Odinic initiate feels inside a weakness ... lack of support form the spark Muspelheim ... After a short Initiate loses his balance and falls into disease ...
                Freyja, Eir are near him and it helps ... gives a white light that flooded her whole body and the whole mind ...
                The slowly recovering wolf ... despite any expectation of any normal course of things ... and he survives ... and defeat, in a miraculous and incomprehensible, all external enemies: all collapse. including partner .. invincible.
                Initiate feels liberated ... all broken ... and a lot of healing work to do ... I do not know if it will survive. But it does not matter ...
                After some period is announced that will have to come back to Forest! And they come ... without the object ... sees that the path of the forest is arranged and designed almost like a road. Obviously forest is known by heart ... there are no secrets ...
                Feels amounted to a new fight ...
                Then, in a quiet, new facts become unnatural ... but there is serenity and tranquility inside. Status is different now that spark of Muspelheim went inside.
                For he overcame nature of Muspelheim raised when the second tower and passed through the gates of Yggdrasil terrible beyond ...
                Once defeated in this new struggle, appears suddenly an very old and cheerful man. He does not care about anything and is full of wisdom, and he knows everything ... the blue. It appears as though nothing mattered universe ... no ... no ... even creatures or Gods ... Nothing matters ...
                It is an old completely white: white face, white hair, white beard, white eyes ... and act very familiar with us ... if we know before the existence of the universe ...
                He is happy and loving ...
                After a short time, a new partner. Very poor in her soul full of trouble ... A catastrophe on two legs ... A person as poor did not see the wolf was given in his life ... it is beyond normality ...
                With her and with a little "erotic tension" dragon sexuality practical initiation ... Soon ...
                Suddenly something happens "wolf dragon" and Tyr penetrate the Infinite Light initiated ... There is expecting his place ... metaphorise by an enormous villa with a garden ...
                Then it felt like everything went ... nothing actually has the slightest importance ...
                It has reached the top of Yggdrasil, there Yggdrasil flowing light inside ... and then out of Yggdrasil ... the "infinite light" ... beyond creation ...
                A stop can be initiated at any level: Asgardian, or Dragon. Then, if you entered the "Forest Tower" can stop at any level in any of the nine worlds, [1] which can become a supreme leader. If it continues means that climbs to the top above the last Yggdrasil.
                But it can get rid of hierarchies Yggdrasil ...

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