sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 4 - Google Translate

Exiting the forest of fir

                Ever since the creation of Yggdrasil own inside the initiate is asked if desired, after Yggdrasil continue on ...
                If this lone wolf is threatened and decide that he wants warned about the pains and sacrifices to come. Hot and advised not to go further. Everyone fears his fate ... if it continues on.
                After completing the creation of Yggdrasil, the interior appears a period of about a year relaxing ... life situations immediately and abruptly changes from one day to another, from one night to another.
                Suddenly and miraculously appear under the most calm, the cleanest, most joyful. Everything goes according to the direction of relaxation, refreshment, restoration, healing, etc. Help appears in unexpected areas and the social powerful people.
                Lone wolf situation reflects on the incredible, unspeakable, that had to find its way. Enjoy inner peace ... reflections serene and hopeful. Everything the dreamer brings a sense of light, inner peace ... ineffable beauty.
                Loving partner and refined ... suddenly disappears as suddenly as it appeared. It feels nostalgic feeling and a final departure desert and suddenly her life ... Like never initiate anything left ...
                Obviously sentimentality is what must be overcome immediately ... That is a "poison" sickly sentimentality which must be removed within us. Nobody has making ...
                So things should be ... and so it is good to be!
                Odin nature of the interior feels fully ...
                The initiate is a miniature Odin ... does not distinguish between what happens inside its Odin and Odin ... It's like ...
                Anyway, what was received in the interior of this wonderful partner ... do not go away never part of his nature now!
                Lone wolf is no longer just a man ... All self-surpassing it has gone beyond human nature with its weaknesses, with his folly with degenerate with his crap, with its absurdities, with its minutiae.
                Now enjoy and bathe in a mild state of reverie and light that it includes all sides ... And what is most precious ... this state already has definitively established its own internal nature.
                Begin gently situations occur that will propel him right eye slaughter need to overcome self again.
                For now enjoy the freedom achieved and their own inner nature ... light ...
                Now the ”lone wolf” is an Asgardian.

141 Forest Wolf: Initiation name for souls since initiations are represented by the endless forests should survive and which should get out ... that never-ending journey. Like Sigmund's son Sigurd Wolsung his father, who had to withstand 20 years in a cave in the woods. Only then he managed to become one of the kings in May, which no poison could not hurt. I mean there is no possibility of degeneration ... It was invincible ...
142 View web address: http: // www. northernshamanism. org / body- and-the- the- tree- of- the- the- path- flesh. html.

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