sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 9 - Google Translate

The Eye of Odin

                Absolutely and suddenly everything calms down in every situation! Everything disappears ... all ... and all those strange situations in our lives ... everything changes ...
                Slowly disappear altogether ... forever ... terrible abysmal conditions-infernal inside ... A return to normal ... normal people do not know how sweet it is ... actually.
                A completely forgotten what seems normal now, lone wolf, a paradise ... I find it unreal ... how easy it is normality ... what paradise ...
                Follows a strange time fighting outside. But the initiative is not completely destroyed abysmal-infernal interior states that have been induced spark in Muspelheim. That spark came out ... and hell was scattered inside disabilities.
                Wolf Dragon can now use all his skills ...
                And people keep aside inexplicable terror and block only the mere presence of his ... situation it becomes very obvious.
                While we need sleep and rest, quiet ... there are situations that require us all involved and all the qualities ...
                It becomes obvious that required strengthening what is already strong inside.
                Only by reinforcing effort and obtain the healing power we can restore.
                If the wolf does not engage in fights with outsiders will succumb to the illness of his body and mind.
                Dragon fight makes him to be strong and in the process heal automatically ... without realizing ... Just as "Zarathustra" said about "health": it must come from inner strength of soul force, in an effort to always be perfected, self-overcoming of which it continues to over-man out of any failure, error, disease, illness, weakness.
                Real health / strength steel is true of the soul, strength happy and manifested the ability to do anything ... ... force creativity and strength bring free health care. And do not fall into weakness and nausea suffering ...
                Health must be earned ... Tyr takes care of it ...
                Freyja is always and continuously day and night next to him ... and he takes care of permanently orienting it with love ... ... giving him advice ... caring ...
                Freyja never leaves the most worthy ... and eager for self-improvement, refined and beautiful inside ...
                Tyr puts forward the fight ...
                Self-overcoming should continue the good wolf ... even if it came to light ... Anything can be infinite and improved ... any ... can be overcome and improved self-overcoming is saving, moment by moment, a lone wolf ...
                Infernal states have disappeared ...
                The struggle now is completely different: there are no inferno inside ... and have to use all the qualities and the light of wisdom ... which were obtained.
                Enjoys all his skills acquired his entire nature ... and achieved internal peace ... peace serene .. and lit ...
                Notice that Odin has an internal qualities present multiple explicit name of Odin!
                The name of Odin are Allvater, Herblindi, Herjan, Hnikad, Hnikud, Fjolnir, Oski, Omi, Wiflindi, Swidur, Widrir, Jalk, Swafnir, Vegtam, Grimnir, Widrir, Fjorgyn, Hropt, Ofnir, Gangleri, Grim, Thekk, thrid , thud, Ud, Grace, Sad, Swipall, Sanngetal, Herteit, Glapswid, Fjolwid, Bileyg, Boleyg, Bolwerk, Sidhott, Sidkegg, Siegvater, Atrid, Farmatyr, Kjalar ... etc. [2]
                These names are the powers and qualities of Odin. They are, in the fullness of their meaning, are Odin's weapons secrets ... secrets ... The meaning is partially un-obscured ... the majority remain secret ...
                But the initiative at this level ... and it recognizes and acknowledges certain qualities that are present in him even during training ... Before entering the Nordic mysteries battles ... Then they were all accumulated in it. ..
                Effortlessly manifest these qualities Odin, the others crazy ... do initiate any succeeds ...
                No more stopping ... can not be stopped by anything. Self-overcoming, self-refining and perfecting continues now with joy and peace of mind ... with relish ...
                Installed peace and light ... The road is now open ...

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