sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 10 - Google Translate

The Rise of the Nordic Spirit

                Then, after a while, it is understood that all efforts made so far reverberate in the nature of all ...
                All that Northerners have obtained huge sacrifices, terrible, unimaginable are transmitted not only further genetic descendants, but also to the others members of his race.
                In "Poem Hyndlei" the edges of the Gods, Edda, Freyja tells Ottar's really just that all the heroes of the northern [3], all the Nordic nations, are related to him. All Nordic qualities he inherited it ... are in it. Just have to wake them ...
                All qualities Northerners are their descendants, even if they are not direct descendants of the genetic line.
                Similarly, all the qualities and values ​​acquired by the initiate efforts northern remain significant, etched, sealed, stored all your own way ...
                Freyja, Tyr, Odin, Sif, Thor, Vidar, Baldr, Freyr, Eir, etc., all directly involved in raising Europeans ... in giving initiation qualities obtained by northern European people ... human.
                All, gods and men have the same values ​​and victories ... The same infinite light ...
                Europeans used everything to develop in all aspects ...

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