sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 11 - Google Translate


                The Nordic Initiatic Mysteries are extremely painful and terrible ... impossible. Survival is not guaranteed.
                In these mysteries are not required balance calm mind or soul, as in Buddhism, yoga, Hinduism, etc. There tends to bring man into harmony, comfort zone, maximum comfort.
                Do not try relieving idiots. Or "harmonization" degenerates.
                Initiation into the mysteries Nordic initiates torture. He is throwing more beyond comfort zone, out of whatever is familiar and natural. It is a grim affair which only leads to activation of survival instincts.
                If you initiate settles tutorials or psychotherapy, he is immediately thrown into a catastrophe and greater desperation infinite, leaving no place any control, which is far beyond just survival instincts and act through it.
                Nordic gods and then acting on it, and fight those required by them, educating and transforming the initiate in the deepest parts of its ...
                Northern initiation has to do with mind or emotion. Northern initiation takes place in the deepest instincts ...
                He was hanged for the initiate to experience death. If escape then became initiated as a result of experiences made in the area between life and death. If died, it was failed. So it was in the primordial survival was led to activation of survival instincts ...
                Initiate northern destroy any course, any calming, balancing any, any comfort, any reflection, kill any trace of consolation and hope ... the future is all just fall into the abyss of infinite ... but the initiative must continue ... There is nothing initiated in the future ... if he finds the way to Asgard good for him, if not to die now! For it is a rotten seed, without glory, without intimate real value it is only degeneration whims ... and imperfection malignant and very dangerous instincts ... Therefore, nothing good can come authentically from him again. ..
                North does not mean rescue ... "salvation of the soul", but torture to initiate, bitter struggle, despair infinite and unimaginable effort, beyond considerations of mind and emotion ... beyond ...
                Initiate northern flings itself into the infinite abyss ... and one save ... if his instincts are sufficiently improved: after millennia of effort of their own bloodlines ... Then get the fruit, if the initiative succeeds, his own bloodline.
                Then reaches unimaginable efforts made from time immemorial by his ancestors in fierce fighting through terrible darkness of the time ...
                Then carry out all the sufferings and inhuman efforts forebears and ancestors (the bloodline) have done to survive and transmit what was most precious and valuable future children, grandchildren, great- grandchildren ... great-grandchildren uncertain future in the darkness ... ... over thousands of years. Initiate ... and ... finally ... get into Asgard by Odin received at the table ... Gods!
                Born suddenly in initiated deep and humiliating gratitude to all who made him what he is and gave her a warm and passionate love their genes forged: his own ancestors that offered all that is best in soul and spirit their ... because he can get ... once ... ... table Gods in Asgard!
                Only a few bloodlines ... get there ... the rest are finished Asgard, Odin destroyed and finished the rest of the Nordic Gods.
                Therefore Norse Gods working with the people, the whole "Folk" continually, day and night ... to improve Europeans for thousands of years ...
                Norse gods are working on a primal level. Educate and spiritualize instincts and do not mind or emotion. Not interested in thoughts of the surface activity of the intellect or emotional agitation. They put in situations where the initiate can not cope in situations that abandon what they know and intervene in the action and to rescue instincts. And those instincts are sublimated and transformed into the initiative.
                Cases in which the initiate is placed resembles the struggle to survive a deadly danger immediately lethal when present. Where is immediately into action to save our instincts ... ...
                For example, after work initiation terrible, the initiate is on the brink of failure nervous system to the brink of concussion because of the tension and fatigue, the gods of Norse put him in situations where you must fight like a lion to defeat a new situation absolutely impossible, ridiculous, humiliating, impregnable.
                Now Odinic Initiate, with the state of imminent brain collapse, has nothing else to do than to fight without the intrusion of the mind or emotions. Any intrusive thoughts or mind, emotions and instant immediately lead him to death by shaking the nervous system. Thus, he has no choice but to relax, not to die, to forget everything and to act after fighting instinct. Then remove the mental agitation, thoughts, emotions and his instincts are still spiritualized, refined, learned, educated, "ascended".
                When you ask for recovery, relaxation, rest not die after embarrassing and terrible efforts survival are attacked and deadly situations in which you have to fight even more. Thus, in the midst of battle you learn that the most heinous and terrible no peace ... quiet ... recovery. An unequal and unfair battle ... embarrassing situations ...
                They Norse gods, do not offer peace or physician heal you, good and positive situations for your recovery. But throws you the most and fierce battle, where everyone attacks you, a battle that anyway you can not earn it. Then you realize that you can do, but you have to abandon your instincts and find recovery and rest in the worst fighting just to survive. So you learn to overcome the mind, thoughts, emotions and instincts to quit on hand already spiritualized. Then, in the middle ... you recover and rest. Heal! That helps the Nordic gods. They make you fight with "giants" ...
                When ascended fight as not imagine anyone. And when you got to the end and you can not come other more dire and so on until the disposal of the body. Then when you are about to give you are put in situations of immediate combat, so you can restore ...
                When you ask rest are thrown into bitter struggle to learn and to succeed to rest anyway in any way. To learn that the only true reality are their instincts and education and spiritualization.
                Odin, the Norse gods are not interested in "what you think", your beliefs, your emotions (happiness or sorrow or weariness, despair, etc.). But your instincts. They work at instinctively. Beyond any manifestation.
                So that any religion would come, should any problems arise, any other world we would oppress instincts will continue to operate ascent toward the light, Norse gods as these have educated ... and educate them in European man.

                Nordic spirituality working on a completely different level than any other spirituality of the earth's surface. Does not require faith, does not require daily spiritual practice, not demands commitment. Nothing mentally and even emotionally. No control of the mind or emotions. But work beyond any form ... working instinct!
                So that any religion would have Europeans in any culture would find in any emotional situation as in life, spiritual ascension to the light work and self-improvement is achieved in instinct, in the depths of the primordial being.
                Odin or Tyr is not interested in ephemeral surface lies where thinking and emotionality. Constantly changing surface ...
                Europeans know whether or not mentally / emotionally conceptual or feel that something is happening inside his instinct, his gods, Norse gods, it works and it's put to work on instinct ... they spiritualize.
                Nordic spiritual work refers to spiritualisation of instincts, instincts educated so that they can be upward ...
                No one can attain spirituality north ... she carries deep, beyond any form mental or emotional, religious or cultural, beyond any worldly form or situation beyond any prohibition or observation: takes place in instinct, without even knowing the man.

                What to speak of religious leaders and their work inquisitor? Since Roman times there was a will "dark" fanatic, to completely destroy European spirituality ... to make it disappear ... to eliminate the light ... Rome, Julius Caesar, eliminated completely spiritual teachers central Europe's Celtic: Druids. He killed all Druids: not left none alive. So intent was clear: the destruction and eradication of authentic European spirituality.
                Such a crime was only possible because Rome was run from within a "dark intent." Otherwise we can call since was indulged to such unimaginable crimes removal of the entire European spirituality, regardless of the price paid.
                Then, also in Rome, the Catholic Church was created. This too, was indulged in the most gruesome and hellish actions to achieve the complete elimination of Nordic spirituality, or any trace of her. No time in history has there been such a terror and human darkness as the time of maximum power of the Vatican. The same "intention" dark therefore created, and the Vatican.
                Moreover, Catholic orders have appeared strange: Crusaders monks, then the Masons with all their forms, then the whole range of semi-Masonic groups that rozcrucienii, ortho Templi orientis, Gnostics, Thelema, etc, etc, etc. All these organizations have the sole purpose of propagating a "foreign spirituality" degrading and absurd, in fact, in Europe. It means so much to fill the intellectual and cultural life with misunderstood Orientalism and avraamisme and maliciously taught that completely purge any "authentic northern Europe spirituality."
                Therefore the same "intention" to make spirituality northern European authentic, to be forgotten / mocked / minimized the / removed as an inferior. Where only avraamisms and orientalisms are considered superior, although their effects are actually catastrophic: the ultimate fanaticism generated haze, crime and genocide, human degradation.
                They actually trying coverage darkness of mankind: human retardation, humiliation and mockery man ... a man turning into a degenerate incapable and unrecoverable. And especially discrediting and if possible complete elimination and final of science and knowledge beliefs and replacing them with absurd and ridiculous activities / degenerate / blockers on the human level ...
                Although crying out loud "Humanity" they are driven by "intention" to stop the dark and permanently destroy man, humanity, and to stop the creativity and effort to develop more and more in all directions ... Any on their part, locking / destruction / human degeneration ...
                And the whole movement "New Age" is a desperate effort to produce chaos and degeneration in human spirituality ...
                Fortunately these cases have already been exceeded, the Norse gods, the "spirit" of the deep Europeans for thousands of years. The ascent continues ... terrible ... uninterrupted, continuously ... relentless ... occurred only in Europe ... despite any type terror abysmal chaos Abrahamic or any so-called "spiritual" degenerate and producer scrap oriental ...
                Northern Light has surfaced in spite of everything and try hard now to save humanity ... by opening the way to an interplanetary civilization, free from any constraints ... to save humanity through her independizarea any danger (medical, mental , emotional, physical, cosmic, etc.).
                Nordic Spirit broke through ... Boreal ineffable light, pure and refined, shine ... and lead humanity to its own ascension and advance ...
                Odin working in secret. In any adventure and testing, as we have seen, bearing another name. Odin is always hidden ... it is one of its features: concealment and disguise. Nobody suspected anything until everything has already happened and was done and erupted with anger ...
                Odin took care and protected the northern spirituality as no one suspected ... Odin has achieved all this within it, submitting to the suffering, torture, mutilation to achieve ascension deepest and spiritualized in the deepest part of his being. And offered all that was best European man who took care of him and asked for help. He and the man behind his teacher and his guardian: Tyr, who offered his right hand to guard the wolf Fenrir Odin ... Odin do the same for its people ...

                What it is right and good to use rising beyond, and evil which leads to degeneration.
                In northern religiosity there Platonic concepts of "absolute good" and "absolute evil" (good and bad in itself itself in Kantian or how good-bad duality of primitive Gnostics), regardless of context.
                In Norse everything depended on context, and "good" and "evil" Platonic, which is Arabic in origin origin, did not exist. There were and there are no genuine action for the European spirit "good" in all circumstances absolutely "bad" in any situation would be. There is no such thing.
                Shares were desirable if the rise and bringing new in certain situations. And were dismissed if other circumstances and situations produced degeneration.
                Good as well as bad and evil did not exist. They were good actions and bad in certain contexts in other contexts and situations. The rise was desired, refined, the new, improved inner nobility of human nature ... ...
                Thus, the Norse Gods have transcended any religious manifestations, table static mode absolute laws or cultural requirements or prohibitions. European spirit can not be stopped in his ascent. Work is going on instinct ... beyond good and evil ...
                From there comes the light ... and there goes into the man inside and enlightens all other parts of his being: mind, emotion, body expression.
                Nordic initiatory mysteries happen without the knowledge of anyone ... and beyond any hindrance ... with unimaginable cruelty ... your ancestors had to endow you with incredible qualities to resist ... and win!
                Freyja, Odin, Tyr and others continued work dreadful, heavy and light, orientation of education and human nordic, easily within and without one knows the whole period obscuring "Christian" nowadays. And this for thousands of years ...
                Nothing can stop them ...
                Work continued upward continues with an unstoppable force, moment by moment, in secret inside man ... ...
                No one can understand what is happening.

                With Nietzsche and his Zarathustra, initiating spirit of deep, hidden, Odin has surfaced ...
                Odin Energy in the past was reserved on one side only "rise of Nordic Initiatic" and on the other hand training warriors of the north, "einherjar" and "valkyrii".
                Odin Energy, a wind of hurricane unleashed, was enriched with the intrinsic nature of Muspelheimului invincibility ... For Odin had in ancient times older than you might think, blood pact with Loki. Loki is a son of fire ... so nature Odin was enriched with nature ... nature Muspelheimului fire.
                Odin by Nietszche, managed to penetrate directly in consciousness and thus within the European humanity ... the mind, soul and spirit of Europe.
                Odin Energy has entered into the soul and minds! Even if these initiatives are not wolves, dragons, einherjar or valkyrii.
                Humankind has been "fertilized" with "energy Odin" ... It is now the structure and nature of humanity and the "European spirit".
                Odin has surfaced structure, without having understood this. Odin structure penetrated the conscious of humanity, the mental and the emotional, without anyone truly understood this.
                And the world has changed! With Nietzsche Odinicul fully penetrated humanity. And the world has changed radically. The world became something else after Nietzsche.
                Humanity has accelerated in an unbelievable, beyond the impossible, their development on all levels. The effects are incredible. We live in a completely different world: technology unimaginable just 100 years ago. Globalization and penetration values ​​and the "European spirit" in all corners of the world, in every way.
                European spirit of all humanity fertilized. European spirit saved the future of humanity through medical science through incredible technologies ... through universalisation of ethical and moral values ​​of the European spirit. By freedom offered at all levels of the European spirit. The planet was completely changed!
                European spirit, from its scientific issue has produced its own planet. Conscious mental resourcefulness, fertilized Odin generated robots that are already on the surface of some planets of our solar system and on the surface of these planets moons. Moreover, there are robots that have already exceeded the limits of the solar system ... and traveling through infinite space .... completely autonomous, sending back learn about the world in which we find ourselves.
                Science labs have already made artificial "black hole" and we are very close, if not happened already, create the "micro" level structure and operation of solar control: artificially generating a star, a "sun" . And controlling activity. The present humanity is about to control the forces of the universe. Odin fertilized ingenuity is infinite ...
                All this happened in about 100 years. More than two thousand years of Abraham and nothing ... Once Odin energy has penetrated the mind and soul of man was an explosion occurred ...
                Odin structure benefits are endless ...
                The knowledge of humanity is unbelievable. What man is able to do today could not have even dreamed of.
                The values, qualities, structure, naturalness and normality Odin are deeply rooted in the collective soul ... And without realizing humanity partakes of "Odin energy" ...
                As it happened with the shared nature of Freyja. European spirit was freed absurdity Abrahamic jam and sexual aberrations miserable. It was rediscovered naturalness ... the need and the natural eroticism and sensuality. Sexual energy is more active than any time in humanity ... European spirit can again enjoy the freedom erotic pleasure ... sexual ... sensuality so beneficial ...
                This issue of "life energy" and the complex phenomena that accompany deep ... will be followed by refining natural ... inevitable.
                Eroticism, sensuality, light with energies activity will refine natural life ... will enrich incredible ...
                Life energy, and it offers wonderful conditions will be fine from now on ... endlessly ... For a beauty that will not stop any time to further refine itself ... And now that I got rid of terror, misery and bad intentions towards life avraamiselor dark eroticism that are part of us.
                The man was released ... in inventiveness, knowledge, power, sensuality and eroticism ... in beauty, freedom and self-overcoming.
                Refinement and nobility sensual, erotic-sexual, intimate sensuality and ability to share a refined and beauty, have a way to go ... But were released ... and the natural process of refinement was already activated ... arhietipul Freyja working continuously ...
                Refining comes without conscious effort, the instincts ...
                Where are upward ... ☺
                Similarly, knowledge has a map to solve most problems universe ... but unleashing occurred.
                Odin and Freyja have now entered into the mind and soul and the Europeans ... and thus of humanity ...
                And everything changed ... instantly ... in a way impossible to believe.
                Humanity was enriched with what only some few in north ... they were given. Having access to energy and energy Freyja Odin is not a small thing ... it is an infinite gain ...

150 Midgard, Jotunheim, Alfheim, Nivadelir, Vanaheim, Asgard, Helheim, Muspelheim, Nifhleim.
151 All these names designate qualities incredible: the more skillful, terrible, lonely traveler, tunătorul serpent / dragon, long beard, father of the fallen, Victorious master the waves, who called aloud, the pushing, the master of desire, the what is white, who is disguised master at wearing helmet / that is always attentive and defense / for war, the welcome, dazzling the army, who reveals the truth, the great, the true, who change their appearance, the happy battle, inflamed eyes, the eyes compassionate, experienced, who is experienced in deception, the ability to appear in many forms ... each sees it otherwise, there is no time the same, etc.
152 Volsung, Sigurd, Helgi, Angantyr, Sinfjotli, Sigmund, Jormunrek, Hraudung, Harald Halfdan, etc., etc., etc.

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 10 - Google Translate

The Rise of the Nordic Spirit

                Then, after a while, it is understood that all efforts made so far reverberate in the nature of all ...
                All that Northerners have obtained huge sacrifices, terrible, unimaginable are transmitted not only further genetic descendants, but also to the others members of his race.
                In "Poem Hyndlei" the edges of the Gods, Edda, Freyja tells Ottar's really just that all the heroes of the northern [3], all the Nordic nations, are related to him. All Nordic qualities he inherited it ... are in it. Just have to wake them ...
                All qualities Northerners are their descendants, even if they are not direct descendants of the genetic line.
                Similarly, all the qualities and values ​​acquired by the initiate efforts northern remain significant, etched, sealed, stored all your own way ...
                Freyja, Tyr, Odin, Sif, Thor, Vidar, Baldr, Freyr, Eir, etc., all directly involved in raising Europeans ... in giving initiation qualities obtained by northern European people ... human.
                All, gods and men have the same values ​​and victories ... The same infinite light ...
                Europeans used everything to develop in all aspects ...

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 9 - Google Translate

The Eye of Odin

                Absolutely and suddenly everything calms down in every situation! Everything disappears ... all ... and all those strange situations in our lives ... everything changes ...
                Slowly disappear altogether ... forever ... terrible abysmal conditions-infernal inside ... A return to normal ... normal people do not know how sweet it is ... actually.
                A completely forgotten what seems normal now, lone wolf, a paradise ... I find it unreal ... how easy it is normality ... what paradise ...
                Follows a strange time fighting outside. But the initiative is not completely destroyed abysmal-infernal interior states that have been induced spark in Muspelheim. That spark came out ... and hell was scattered inside disabilities.
                Wolf Dragon can now use all his skills ...
                And people keep aside inexplicable terror and block only the mere presence of his ... situation it becomes very obvious.
                While we need sleep and rest, quiet ... there are situations that require us all involved and all the qualities ...
                It becomes obvious that required strengthening what is already strong inside.
                Only by reinforcing effort and obtain the healing power we can restore.
                If the wolf does not engage in fights with outsiders will succumb to the illness of his body and mind.
                Dragon fight makes him to be strong and in the process heal automatically ... without realizing ... Just as "Zarathustra" said about "health": it must come from inner strength of soul force, in an effort to always be perfected, self-overcoming of which it continues to over-man out of any failure, error, disease, illness, weakness.
                Real health / strength steel is true of the soul, strength happy and manifested the ability to do anything ... ... force creativity and strength bring free health care. And do not fall into weakness and nausea suffering ...
                Health must be earned ... Tyr takes care of it ...
                Freyja is always and continuously day and night next to him ... and he takes care of permanently orienting it with love ... ... giving him advice ... caring ...
                Freyja never leaves the most worthy ... and eager for self-improvement, refined and beautiful inside ...
                Tyr puts forward the fight ...
                Self-overcoming should continue the good wolf ... even if it came to light ... Anything can be infinite and improved ... any ... can be overcome and improved self-overcoming is saving, moment by moment, a lone wolf ...
                Infernal states have disappeared ...
                The struggle now is completely different: there are no inferno inside ... and have to use all the qualities and the light of wisdom ... which were obtained.
                Enjoys all his skills acquired his entire nature ... and achieved internal peace ... peace serene .. and lit ...
                Notice that Odin has an internal qualities present multiple explicit name of Odin!
                The name of Odin are Allvater, Herblindi, Herjan, Hnikad, Hnikud, Fjolnir, Oski, Omi, Wiflindi, Swidur, Widrir, Jalk, Swafnir, Vegtam, Grimnir, Widrir, Fjorgyn, Hropt, Ofnir, Gangleri, Grim, Thekk, thrid , thud, Ud, Grace, Sad, Swipall, Sanngetal, Herteit, Glapswid, Fjolwid, Bileyg, Boleyg, Bolwerk, Sidhott, Sidkegg, Siegvater, Atrid, Farmatyr, Kjalar ... etc. [2]
                These names are the powers and qualities of Odin. They are, in the fullness of their meaning, are Odin's weapons secrets ... secrets ... The meaning is partially un-obscured ... the majority remain secret ...
                But the initiative at this level ... and it recognizes and acknowledges certain qualities that are present in him even during training ... Before entering the Nordic mysteries battles ... Then they were all accumulated in it. ..
                Effortlessly manifest these qualities Odin, the others crazy ... do initiate any succeeds ...
                No more stopping ... can not be stopped by anything. Self-overcoming, self-refining and perfecting continues now with joy and peace of mind ... with relish ...
                Installed peace and light ... The road is now open ...

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 8 - Google Translate

The Old Faced Man

                The Odinic initiate feels inside a weakness ... lack of support form the spark Muspelheim ... After a short Initiate loses his balance and falls into disease ...
                Freyja, Eir are near him and it helps ... gives a white light that flooded her whole body and the whole mind ...
                The slowly recovering wolf ... despite any expectation of any normal course of things ... and he survives ... and defeat, in a miraculous and incomprehensible, all external enemies: all collapse. including partner .. invincible.
                Initiate feels liberated ... all broken ... and a lot of healing work to do ... I do not know if it will survive. But it does not matter ...
                After some period is announced that will have to come back to Forest! And they come ... without the object ... sees that the path of the forest is arranged and designed almost like a road. Obviously forest is known by heart ... there are no secrets ...
                Feels amounted to a new fight ...
                Then, in a quiet, new facts become unnatural ... but there is serenity and tranquility inside. Status is different now that spark of Muspelheim went inside.
                For he overcame nature of Muspelheim raised when the second tower and passed through the gates of Yggdrasil terrible beyond ...
                Once defeated in this new struggle, appears suddenly an very old and cheerful man. He does not care about anything and is full of wisdom, and he knows everything ... the blue. It appears as though nothing mattered universe ... no ... no ... even creatures or Gods ... Nothing matters ...
                It is an old completely white: white face, white hair, white beard, white eyes ... and act very familiar with us ... if we know before the existence of the universe ...
                He is happy and loving ...
                After a short time, a new partner. Very poor in her soul full of trouble ... A catastrophe on two legs ... A person as poor did not see the wolf was given in his life ... it is beyond normality ...
                With her and with a little "erotic tension" dragon sexuality practical initiation ... Soon ...
                Suddenly something happens "wolf dragon" and Tyr penetrate the Infinite Light initiated ... There is expecting his place ... metaphorise by an enormous villa with a garden ...
                Then it felt like everything went ... nothing actually has the slightest importance ...
                It has reached the top of Yggdrasil, there Yggdrasil flowing light inside ... and then out of Yggdrasil ... the "infinite light" ... beyond creation ...
                A stop can be initiated at any level: Asgardian, or Dragon. Then, if you entered the "Forest Tower" can stop at any level in any of the nine worlds, [1] which can become a supreme leader. If it continues means that climbs to the top above the last Yggdrasil.
                But it can get rid of hierarchies Yggdrasil ...

The Odinic Initiatic Path in Norse Spirituality - 7 - Google Translate

The Tower

                Shortly after becoming a Dragon, the lone wolf is announced to experience deep initiation that must flee further and sees separates a group of two or three people and went, without being seen by anyone in -a dense forest, through an impenetrable thicket ... the only entry into the dark and impenetrable forest.
                Suddenly and in absolute secrecy, without the knowledge of anyone running, hiding inside the forest. Splits again people ... It is extremely rushed. He has no time for anything.
                In outer life-hellish moments abysmal that it terrorizes and make him crawl like a terrified, shivering and being unable to control his fear / panic / despair / inability to live normally are fewer and episodic. Lower than the Green Dragon in the forest ... Yet they fear and panic to torment him every moment ... every moment ... powerful dragon bit of it ...
                Partner is something completely different: no sexual attraction / erotic / sensual. The wolf must do the impossible and to keep: this strange partner ... completely different from another world.
                The new partner is all this incredibly strong ... matchless earth's surface. Gives the impression of living a lead weight ... it is something so dense and hard that can not be destroyed ... nothing.
                She, ironically, is not affected by place of darkness and suffering that goes Lupul initiatives. He sees but feels they have no effect on them! It's something incredible ... But very necessary, otherwise it would not be possible to advance the forest "Tower" ...
                Partner is strange ... has something inside her abysmal ... inspiring fear in others ... Gives the impression of infinite weight ... An unequaled stability ... not something you can do ... is a unique.
                Only lone wolf can touch it without fear. But ... as attraction and matching as erotic spark to initiate it is zero ...
                Lone wolf must do so and find solutions ... No sexual tension there ... It's not impossible ...
                Time goes against him.
                There is obvious feeling of fighting ... fighting giants impossible: you have defeated the giants ... Basically it is a struggle with powerful forces impossible ...
                It has clear spiritual experience that shows all the time on top of a huge houses with earth floor and begins to tremble. He is the highest peak of some huge building on top of mountains, earthquakes and earth-changing final disposal on the ground ...
                He is the top of a tower ... and looking down all the time. Everything is under it ... nothing is above him. Down ... earthquakes occur and that changes everything ... constructions take other positions, changes everything.
                In other experiences seen climbing mountains full of incredibly high ... snow ... in absolute solitude.
                Now Wolf Dragon has climbed hierarchies Yggdrasil.
                Dragon Fight for ascension began ...
                It is time to climb cosmic Yggdrasil, to overcome all existing hierarchies and ascended to the top of the hierarchy ...
                Fierce battle to climb Yggdrasil cosmic and defeat all its established hierarchies ... They resist ...
                Rise overcome hierarchies established by Yggdrasil ... ... here Asgard purpose: to prepare the way for it.
                It is necessary that the existing hierarchies of Yggdrasil to self-exceed and accumulate more light ... If I do not need to be changed in their positions for stagnating induce stagnation in cosmic Yggdrasil.
                Fight through cosmic hierarchy is allowed and supported by Tyr. This changes those that no longer correspond to their positions.
                Rise through the world Yggdrasil aims appropriation light from the top of ... Assimilation light, high aspiration towards light and vision, constant self-overcoming into the light ... and more light ... Asgard is what follows.
                Life situations change and improve on the one hand. But Dragon has so much work and so much stress that it can not cope ...
                Do not have time ... activity over activity. No longer relax at all. Morning wakes up tired. It is on the brink of collapse.
                The situations become critical ... and more is required of him continually. He has no time for a second ... is a terrible run ... All agglomerate ... All are critical. It is a terrible fight ...
                Day night struggling ... struggling ... He fights with everyone ... including partner struggling with the universe ... Everything in his path.
                Everything hurts ... everything opposes misfortune strikes ... everything ... every tiny aspect ... "Stop" threatens everywhere.
                But Wolf Dragon not afford no matter how small ... stop fighting ... Fighting over infinite acceleration speed and fight with everyone and everything ... Everything is against him ... The whole universe ...
                Nothing works well ... anything ... everything breaks, crashes ... appear bottlenecks and hindrances incredible and unsuspected everywhere ... in all directions ... it spares nothing ... and all it attacked and put barricades.
                Dragon realizes he must stay as hidden from everyone and everything and yet somehow continue to do: it's impossible! People are moved by strange forces and attacking him continuously on the dragon. It understands the harsh reality of the facts: not allowed to hurt or hit someone because that would mean harming the innocent free. For the others are driven by hidden forces of Yggdrasil and not acting on their own will and decision.
                Anyone who sees initiated immediately turns deadly enemy and hid, that shall be launched against him with all forces, like a demented ... full of rancor, hatred, senseless cruelty, malice etc. Free ...
                The lone wolf has done the impossible: to fight and make an incredibly short time achievements normally requires several years.
                Time is accelerating incredible and can not initiate any blow. Struggling day and night, moment by moment, making infinite things in very short time, to hide all and all, to circumvent and anticipate the spiritual forces preparing any possible blockage, any obstacle unimaginable, any impairment, stop, etc.
                At the same time, without sexual tension, activate "life energy" with his partner, with whom lack any attraction or interest sensual / erotic / sexual one side ...
                Dragon Wolf impossible things that is required to make completely impossible ... And is impossible to enumerate them all the impossible ... ... and that should be taken very quickly, immediately, now, all at once. ..!
                In addition suffering infernal hidden inside what it terrorize, torment him in half. You can not appease the dragon. There is additionally panic of not making a stroke or not to die off, in sleep or fell down because efforts unimaginable against the entire universe became absolutely hostile and because states abysmal internal unbearably with struggling . The fight continues with "giants" ... fight the "giants" ...
                There are moments that would like to quit, but it appears that Freyja, in a trembling voice full of hot petition, asks the initiate to resist necessarily: it is absolutely necessary and must resist anyway. Freyja he prays crying ...
                Dragon has left behind any hope of escaping ... go ahead with incredibly powerful struggle against the whole universe just because she can not do anything else ... I suspect that he would die soon. But there is no turning back.
                Areas experiencing frightening night that it paralyzes. There are so frightening that one feels paralyzed ... Dragon Case infinitely evil witch ... ... mess tainted air perdition ...
                But the lone wolf should continue.
                Face without realizing, impossible things ... speed is accelerating forever. There is no time for anything ...
                Wolf was surprised that more lives ... can not explain it.
                Understand that must not be unkind to others: they are only driven by hidden forces of Yggdrasil. It would be easy to destroy ... But then it would be too simple.
                Therefore Dragon understands that being "good" is not a moral or ethical requirement, but one that compels him to live a thousand times more difficult: for if they allow any action would be easy to defeat anyone. But if not allowed to cause any damage to others, that are required to be "good" to infinity, then denies a range of possible actions.
                Therefore, being infinitely good and friendly with others voluntarily and consciously becomes unimaginably difficult. It is more difficult to do what you do if you are tied hands and feet, unless you're not.
                Being good is a requirement of self-overcoming their qualities and capacities that the initiate must defeat all denying an incredible range of weapons and action. But he must find new solutions, new actions so as not to cause harm. So tied hands and feet by his own will, wolf dragon must invent whatever is infinitely harder. You must gain new abilities ... to develop new skills and new weapons ... ...
                The initiation and ascension toward the light at the top of Yggdrasil being "good" is not a moral but a tool for self-locking volunteer to become even better and more creative and inventive and more capable and stronger and wiser, and so on Something that obviously helps a greater self-overcoming ...
                For what people consider bad or good timing is obviously just silly. And this means perfect in forest green dragon after killing his own eyes to absorb ultimate wisdom. Then understood perfectly that what people consider bad today is nothing more than a whim: there is no "good" or "bad". It is a ridiculous invention: made to sclaviza man ... that he does not see the light ...
                Thus, returning is impossible situations go over every moment ... The initiate is sincerely amazed and surprised that he did not die! Somewhat? Why this happened? Is it possible?
                But it does not have infinite continues ... fight ...
                At one point seen climbing up ski hill, in a competition. At power down, is applauded and encouraged everybody is extremely happy ... But once you enter the contest and get the first, and still advance above notes that it is completely alone ... although markings that lead to competition finally there. But not only left him no one else is up!
                Up there, where he arrived, completely alone ... there is no one ... he just ... he just got up there ... The top of this creation ... the highest mountain peak ... where there is no one ...
                No one is to wait ... because up there where he was, is not actually anyone ... And never was one ... is completely alone in a place of triumph.
                That means that he has only a little ... it is already close to absolute peak of Yggdrasil.
                Beyond Muspelheim. He went muspelheimul.
                Gods sees in him ... he is the highest point in the sky ... and lunch ... he deities spend a festive meal and extremely refined and special ... Dragon wolf But he is unable to attend far above them ... and keeps looking down ... it is very hard work, excitement down there ...
                Dragon Wolf understands that the fight goes to climb up to the top as Yggdrasil.
                At one point, after fierce fighting with forces industrious unimaginable and gigantic battles with "giants", arriving in Niflheim ... Initiate inside ice becomes crystal pure and transparent ... ... He is a giant of Niflheim .
                Many events are not reported here ... each must discover for himself. Here are just steps radicals, cataclysmic changes that must be met. But there are many, many incredible events we mentioned ... And it's better that way ...
                After another nice unimaginable, and fight the "giant" with events and powerful forces impossible cruelty and terror of them, they enter into the inner nature Muspelheim ... "Wolf Dragon" becomes fire ... He is now Muspelheim .. . the tallest and strongest area of ​​Yggdrasil. The invincible ... he becomes invincible ...
                He enters Muspelheim justly acquired by the internal nature of fire is not given to anyone.
                The initiate is still surprised that he did not die! And this is an impossible event!
                Odin, Tyr are ecstatic and very happy ...!
                Freyja is serene, joyful and elated released ...
                It is a unique success ...
                It's over! Lone Wolf, driven by Odin and Freyja oriented, tested Tyr, and helped in secrecy many other creatures wise and bright, achieved the strongest place: primordial Muspelheim that existed long before Yggdrasil, long before the creation. It primordial force with Niflheim form creation at a time ...
                It came up. Above both primary manifestation is to overcome ... the first spark. There is nothing above.
                The initiate is on top of his tower. He sees: it is huge and can not be spotted throughout the stretch. The initiate is on top of this tower ...
                Then ... if things calm down ... there is a strange silence and a reward, mundane ...
                Out of nowhere appears in the quiet rest ... painful, announcing colorful necessity to erect a second tower, next to the already created! It's incomprehensible! How? Not everything was finished? What happens? It's impossible what is happening.
                Then Thor gives us meeting - screaming of all the forces of creation that brain and mind are on the brink of crushing and spray - the doors that lead outside Muspelheim terrible ... that is at the other end ... and Muspelheimului giving out to ... "in the other direction."
                Shattering the gates of the universe are what give toward the gates through which the infinite light ... not allowed anyone, not even a god, a giant or a Muspelheim pass ... nobody really knows the terrible gates of creation ... giving beyond the primordial forces of Muspelheimului ...
                Opening to the other side ...
                Although opposes wolf dragon, became Muspelheim, has no use: everything was already decided and arranged ...
                Appear out of nowhere situations thousands of times more intense and painful ... Initiate feels receives a final blow to his head with a hammer inside immense ... from Thor. Is a blow as there are no strikes ... Following this feels in his head, on a spiritual level, it produced a huge hole ... the impression that there is nothing between him and the rest. Changes everything inside.
                Observe the night ... what amounts to a second tower bewildering speed ... For some reason it takes the second turn ...
                And immediately the second tower is built ...
                Then ... after a short period feels like the spark tense and evil ... he entered the Muspelheim initiated once sacrificed right eye, removes tension is unfair ... and suddenly disappears ...
                It's a huge issue ... But the initiative remains without tension, though evil and harmful gave him strength to continue whatever.
                All Aesir is achieved such aspirations. Therefore reach the top of Yggdrasil, the highest light ... beyond Niflheim and Muspelheim, even if they are primordial forces.
                The initiate is saved Niflheim and even Muspelheim (fire with its darkness and blackening). All these have been overcome. The initiate is invincible and no poison has no effect ... Like Sigmund, father of Sigurd, completely immune to any poison.
                Victory is total!
                It reached "peak light" ...
                It turned north mystery of initiation.
                The goal was achieved entry into Asgard ...
                Lone wolf is clearly seen as a huge dragon with a single eye in the middle gigantic head. It looks like a dragon with a single eye in his forehead ... a huge eye / creepy ... you stared at all ... The experience is so vivid that he never looks.
                The role of Asgard flooded with light from the top of the highest mountain, was fulfilled: Initiate led up to the highest light ... far beyond the ice and fire ... to the top of Yggdrasil final where "light ... "shines without hindrance ...
                There is something deeply inspiring and fulfilling after so many battles: super human ... completely lit "light" boundless ... the highest state obtained super human ... completely fulfilled! Total victory!
                It has reached the top of Yggdrasil ... have been overcome and defeated all hierarchies ...

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The licking of the wounds

                Dragon appears in physical pain painful but fleeting, due to muscle tension and stress she went through unimaginable.
                Breathe the air of freedom .... after years of darkness and lack of any hope ...
                It feels a need to take another route ... now something else is needed.
                People are scared of him, not to explain, just his mere presence. There is an effect of fear, panic, lock, hardening the view "Wolf Dragon".
                People are afraid of him and try, without understanding why, to depart. Simultaneously with malice, envy and revenge from them.
                This reality appears very well described in "Fafnir's poem" [7] where people who envy him enemies and ...
                For those closer to him the situation is dual: to have a hungry wolf all the time and need to kill a wolf ... to end with him ... to compromise the lone wolf ... wolf destroy the forest ...
                Absolutely inexplicable! And acts very dangerous ... absolutely abnormal and pathological manifestation pros and cons and often simultaneously ...
                Clearly manifests hostile forces of chaos.
                Dragon feels the need to strengthen the body ... to heal, to recover health, vitality and forces you lost.
                She remembers, suddenly and without conscious effort, incessantly, that way terrible has done and limitless amount of "life energy" has accumulated inside! ... Dangers entire oceans and efforts that have never been heard or experienced by anyone ...
                He kept wondering, how to resist? May? It is alive and mostly still working normally? How was it possible to generate and accumulate inside oceans without limit, infinite amounts of energy to life: by controlling sexuality?
                Do not understand how managed to do all this. It is a mystery to him ...
                But ... in his deep, there are terrible and abnormal hunger to continue and dread lest they stop all the time. Excruciating hunger of the soul toward the light ... to more light ... For strength and wisdom to self-improvement ... To mysteries and deeper ...
                Obviously, the nature of Odin, no limits and always searching and hunting, nature Nordic Initiative is ... he is ... He is a Dragon Odin ... He is a lone wolf of Forest Asgardian ... Initiatory ...
                Can not stop to realize with astonishment immeasurable what he went through and how many did ... He feels that it is impossible to include everything made aware and lived ...
                Again and again I come to mind lakes, deep forests and impenetrable that it has successfully crossed ... ...
                Realize infinite night, deep in the boreal night was found ... And that managed to lose!

143 Henceforth, it is no longer just an initiate: he is an Asgardian, one who has chosen the way forward self-overcoming. A man can not pass through forest Green Dragon. Only an Asgardian can do it. Therefore, this last step is initiated by an Asgardian, not a man initiated. 'Lone wolf of the forest "becomes" asgardian wolf ". Slaughter right eye, or Forest Green Dragon is a stage of Asgardienilor who want to overcome self-! Therefore from now on we will refer to Initiated at lone wolf or Widolf as Asgardian!
About 144 nature iðunn was spoken interpretation of texts Edda section.
145 A OBTAINED our consciousness following the creation of Yggdrasil. So it's not common expanding human consciousness, but consciousness by passing a light of an Asgardian. People can not go through with it ... For Asgard have not even light received through the creation of "Yggdrasil inside" and accepting the city Gods Asgard.
146 A giant bull type that existed long ago in Europe. Now it is gone.
147 Dragon and gold are tightly linked and inseparable, identical in Norse mythology.
148 What to say when an Asgardian, or a simple man. We refer here to what is infinitely beyond understanding or conception power of a simple inhabitant of Asgard or a man.
149 Fafnismol, edges heroes, Edda.

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The Sacrifice of the Right Eye

                The Lone Wolf at a time, the new Asgardian, [1] has a lucid experience that he lost his right eye forever. Or that his right eye was closed forever and it will not never have. I have left only the left eye. Freyja becomes desperate, the care that they bear huge initiative. Do not know what to do for him ... despair and lament ...
                But the initiate, by its nature, to whom nothing resists, knowing capable of anything trying to reassure her by saying that "anything that has a solution." I say this trust, safety, peace of mind with a warm and loving smile on the lips.
                But Freyja realizes the danger and what will come ... and is desperate for her lover's fate: Initiate ... the lone wolf ... Widolf.
                Here enters the steps that Odin passed them to save the Gods and the people of Midgard. Self-sacrifice terrible, indescribable ... to save the gods and men of Ragnarok, the destruction which threatens all of this creation: everything has a beginning and an end inevitable ...
                The loss of his right eye, this self-sacrifice is made to defeat the inevitable ... And to save the others ...
                Then, after loss, or closing his right eye, everything still quiet ...
                Suddenly, like a thunderbolt out of nowhere, it appears inside ssgardianului Widolf a spark of Muspelheim. It is so painful and tense that chances are that the initiative to commit suicide once. Only the memory of creating impossible situations Yggdrasil, where he remembers he was just trying to breathe and wait a few moments and it repeated this technique gives a loophole of survival.
                Asgardian wolf of the forest is forced to stand still and not move, breathe just a few more times to not go out and commit suicide. If he manages to pass the first phase unimaginable, and then survives long waits and endless path navigated by deadly forest and unbearable for a man, the Green Dragon.
                Already, during the creation of Yggdrasil initiate ventured into a lucid dream-like experience in a strange land and strange, weird, dark, next to the banks of a river, and stole an innocent child who walks on the beach; to the dismay terrible mother and blaring its heartbreaking. Lone wolf stolen from that strange realm, completely immersed in chiaroscuro child out of the parental abode for a few moments. It was a WWII in a unearthly.
                Grab the baby once, Widolf dive, well caught with child, and under the water away from the shore and huge mother of the child, desperate as hell to not be caught or stopped. Then, under water and well restrained child in her arms, she watched initiate the ocean floor, where now are running, rose from their seats deities life's catch its passage there. It passed there on the ocean bottom with stolen baby in his arms, had made certain gods come alive, to rise and zâmbeacă. There were giants ... In addition to these gods were archaic vestiges of a world long gone ...
                Immediately after Widolf woke in a hospital room where it finds that there is a process of exchanging blood with child stealing. Initiate through tubes inserted into his body and blood to transfer the child was "child stealing" the unearthly realm.
                This event is identical to the myth of Poetic Edda, Song of Hymir where fishing Thor Midgard serpent, "Dragon World" that lies hidden at the bottom of ocean, and tries to kill him with a hammer. But giant Hymir father god Tyr, cut the rope that was tied to the bait, which caught the dragon, and so put an end to chance, without Thor to have killed the Dragon; as he wanted.
                It seems that the dragon should not be killed, but used even if looks terrible: this is the message Hymir's singing.
                Receiving a spark inside of Muspelheim, symbolized by the loss of his right eye, produces an internal voltage so unnatural, so harmful and painful that feels crack asgardian wolf. It needs time to get used to survive ... but could no longer time ...
                This assimilation of flame from Muspelheim was announced by strange dream that had been stolen child: that had been stolen and hidden, a spark of Muspelheim: a "son of fire" and made a blood pact with him.
                Similarly, Odin had blood pact with Loki, whose father "Farbauti" was the Muspelheim was a son of Fire.
                All initiation north is indicated by myths present in the Nordic Edda and other sources ...
                Therefore, the wolf asgardian like Odin make a blood pact, in absolute secrecy, a son of fire: assimilate the internal nature of Muspelheim a spark. This produces boiling inside ...
                Asgardianul initiated sees himself, however, without knowing that he is in a water "strong" cuts fall over from it; as it is separated from the meat from the bone. Spades and water cuts. One is near him and apply a bandage remaining flesh with magical herbs and oils. The suffering is indescribable.
                Asgardian the forest wolf suffering so much inside without much going on in his life, he feels that pounding ... suffering abysmal, dark, malignant, is unfair, without peace, without any output: his indescribable terror assail inside and he can not do anything against this state ...
                Freyja remove it completely and just do all gods. There is none beside him to defend or to advise. He has no experience spiritual guidance. Infinite darkness, unbearable, continuous, borderless irreconcilable ....
                New partner that meets right away suddenly after developing Muspelheim spark within himself, does not understand anything and it suspects the initiate of cowardice.
                But it can neither breathe ... without being able to control the tremble ... is horrified, frightened pointless: its nature occurring within all suffering abyss, infernal and you can not control. Sounds crazy ... one who has lost his mind and especially soul ... There is nothing in Asgardianul victorious: Asgardian is just a stray, mad that he lost souls and minds and trembling and tormented the abysmal indoors outdoors without great thing to happen. In fact it does not happen in his life outside anything.
                Gruesome ... there are things that happen inside asgardianului traveler ... the forest green dragon. Gods are not soar any time there ...
                Sexuality new partner is as intense as during the creation of Yggdrasil. But no longer builds sexual tension. Not!
                In these trials dragon green to work with "sexual tension" already obtained and the effort is that with this "tension" and "sexual powers" made in creating Yggdrasil interior, to generate and assimilate as much "sexual energy "" life energy "inside. Ie no more sexual tension intensifies. It works with the same "tension" and constant much longer periods: you can reach the stage where they work up to five or even six hours of activity intimate, sexual, with new partner every day.
                Then periods of a month or two and then pause and total hours in order to assimilate a large amount of energy as sexual, the "energy of life" ...
                It completely changes the life energy initiated. Iðunn ensures that the wolf to assimilate the "golden apple" ...
                Yggdrasil purpose in creating sexual tension was infinite growth: power "sexual labor". Sexual tension and force!
                Now, forest green dragon accumulate only "life energy" ...
                The character and nature of sexual and refining iðunn ... sexuality is a different kind of initiation ... one in which the effect of this new sexuality initiation produce "gold" inside ...
                The model is iðunn ... [2] infinitely more withdrawn and cold Freyja ... but asking sacrifices and improvements, refinements and greater self-overruns unimaginable ...
                Here in the forest dragon green, emerald green, aim is to maintain tension and extension document as much as acquiring a large amount of "life energy" sexual energy inside. Sexual energy and lasting ...
                Partner asgardian lone wolf in the forest green dragon must be cold soul: the sharp blades of a thin plate steel. Middle of eternal ice cold ... A deadly cold ...
                Partner must be absolutely "cold" ruthless soul ... Metal ... without a trace of heat. It instead manifest sexual desire without stopping. It is necessary that it can support only physically intimate act, sexual, very long time ... her intimate organs must be able to operate without interruption for hours ... day by day ... without stopping ...
                This allows the initiate to carry out acts very long and very frequent sexual activity without unloading with "tension" and "power" of step creation of Yggdrasil: in order to fill the "life energy".
                Asgardianul Widolf seen in very few experiences dream that you have, and which are only a few in the eight or nine years of hell in the middle of the ocean, in full storm dire, taking only a handful of snake gigantic Midgard for do not drown. Thus, the dragon should be used as hideous and disgusting it and not murdered as Thor wanted stupidity.
                Sexuality is very emotionally cold, cut a piece of metal that is cold as ice. Feels like heart freezes ... and disappears ... There are physical sensation of cardiac arrest due to cold ... Cold partner's soul is still so necessary and indispensable ... ...
                There is a very good fit between the partners. She uses any means to humiliate and demean it started. The situation is becoming disastrous: permanently out of control. At one point even outside not only the infernal abyss inside ...
                There is no escape. Lone wolf, Asgradian, feels he is already 99 per cent dead. Do not know what to do.
                Just a pale shadow of Odin Energy hold up alive ... he is already dead ... inside ...
                The gods are all gone ... no longer has any spiritual experience ... is an abyss within him ... is impossible outside of it. And no advice and no help ... ... completely abandoned abyss of excruciating and unrelenting, endless!
                A cross this forest infinite needed ...
                Then Freyja suddenly appears and tells him that if he continues ... unless it goes ... will remain forever in eternity from now on with this abysmal state / infernal inside. Nothing will ever escape.
                Partner, while accepting lengthy sexual practices without end, behaves as if it wants to destroy it and to take asgardianului neck. It is a betrayal matchless ... One that sticks ice in the heart of the initiate.
                There is nothing: neither one side nor the other. Everything, even the whole exterior begins to turn against wolf asgardian tormented inside the infernal abyss without end. All outsiders are beginning to return against him: to betray him, to mock, to tell lies about him incredible. Existence becomes impossible.
                There is the impression of a battle with forces impossible: as if the fight is huge, with giants - the battle is impossible ... But the struggle must continue ... giants ...
                Then survival instincts take control and the wolf begins to rebel against everything! A what made within it, from the very beginning preparation for initiation, and everything that happens outside.
                And the only option you have is solution partner mirror. Ie to behave towards her exactly as she behaves towards him. There is no other solution! Treacherous and malicious partner begins to lose her mind ...
                The only solution and alternative to external physical world, is to show the true value, which kept it secret and hidden all the time, lest people feel inferior or ashamed of their infirmities: and so il block it by malice envy.
                Now is the time to manifest ...
                A revolution is happening in the approach, about 3 or 4 years after the incarnation "of Muspelheim spark." But no one expected or intuited: but only one comes out of his instincts ... one that obey the requirement moment ... the moment ...
                Odin sacrificed his right eye in order to achieve a higher spiritual inner state: a higher spiritual vision ... Lone Wolf now sacrifice their wisdom which had, until now, to overcome self-complete: to release an old state of affairs, what he is now ...
                If you wish to continue and survive must sacrifice everything ... Otherwise you can not ascend ...
                Eye slaughter is slaughter as light and wisdom that led us to Asgard and I received it in Asgard: one that allowed us to go into the forest green dragon ...
                Now it takes sacrifice and this light, sacrificing everything, absolutely everything ... losing everything ... you throw into nothingness ...
                Only then beyond reach ... a new spiritual vision and a new inner state saves us completely: and saved him and others ...
                Sacrifice is huge and only some people can accomplish: to sacrifice your whole nature obtained so far, his life, his soul, the light won everything ... own wisdom obtained.
                To sacrifice your right eye!
                To abandon everything ... in the woods ...
                But otherwise you can not get where you need ...
                Thus begins Widolf, serene and smiling, with terrible effort, to realize acts that before and not allowed: acts that would be considered degenerated even by himself, or by other Asgardieni ...
                He begins to sacrifice everything ...
                Now discovering that, at the level it is inside, can enjoy the things that ordinary people are spared seem terrible and ...
                Silently occurs spontaneously widening the light of his conscience beyond any consideration ... an enlargement that has immediate effects on his behavior: he is immediately and suddenly another ...
                "Gold," which occurs so often in the Edda texts, it occurs after the release of the old criteria initiation ... there are no limits ... the light of consciousness asgardianului [3] expands unlimited: hell and heaven are simultaneously it .. .
                More: experimenting voluntarily and consciously degeneration degeneration to occur without actually initiate them ... acts that cause degeneration believed that, in fact, now propelled him easily, immediately and simultaneously in an infinite light suddenly ... which has no boundaries ...
                Obviously this can be done only an Asgardian ... a Nordic initiated what has already Asgardian ... and in addition stole a spark of Muspelheim ... sacrificing his right eye! It's not people here ...
                It becomes essential to release all past physical death occurs ... otherwise ... And I know this millennial instincts ... The wolf, by its nature, which is created Yggdrasil; by the force of the tensed spark Muspelheim; by Odin energy from the communicant and by using fortune, appearing suddenly manages to break away from all the past and all conscience to last ...
                He dies just in! The personality dies: he becomes someone else ... a character, and destiny entirely different.
                Miraculously partner is thrown into darkness and choose to escape the tensions felt, something that propels outside sexual relationship and partnership initiatives taken by then Odin.
                Thus, last about "the past" ... goes ... separation is total: so life, destiny, character and conscience initiation and light up when ...
                There is a new light ... one that it blindly even Widolf ...
                Thus the man, who began initiations years before he died!
                Odin's wolf needs to continue physical life despite abysmal infernos that torment him every moment and every moment inside. Crawling continues, he does not know how to eat, breathe, walk, sleep, dress ...
                Sexual force manifests collapses: losing more than 90% of it and found no partner initiatives.
                From now feels the need to steal by any means, partner initiatives occasional erotic practices that unsuspecting of what happens: I think this is just a common and ordinary relationship. Initiate Odin remain completely alone ... only he knows what he does and by what passes ... Female partners have no idea: if the events are completely torn through which Wolf Odin.
                There are enough "sexual life force" and "sexual energy of life" inside it to continue; however stressed and irreconcilable because of Muspelheim spark.
                Initiation is practiced much less intense sexuality: women "stolen" for initiating intimate acts on the part possesses no physical strength or emotional or intellectual. Intimate sexual acts become shorter and rare: But Odin initiate continuous control technique and sophistication erotic sexual tension is already instinct ... ...
                Completely lacking any contact with the gods or any experience that is whether it goes well or not.
                Lone wolf many times Odin walks in the initiatory dreams, among the tombs. Find something ... is in constant search of someone, something, a tomb or a name.
                Unceasingly are in cemeteries, for years, and if it is not then flees and takes refuge in cemeteries in a chiaroscuro complete darkness ...
                Spiritual dreams, feels safe among graves and looking for someone, something, a name, a certain something ... there is a voluptuous magnetism of graves by night chiaroscuro ... A quiet and serenity, secret magic recomfortare, healing ... Alone in solitude matchless ...
                In spiritual experiences permanent wolf asgardian seen in obscurity. A dark penetrating, but he can still see everything ... that one night illuminated by the aura borealis northern ... ... clear night ... Boreal ...
                At one point in the eight years of Forest Green Dragon, the wolf suddenly finds Odin how nature builds its internal incredibly bright gold and marked / labeled with indecipherable codes. It sees perţii room, which until then were decomposing faeces mixed with urine decomposing in pestilential state unbearable and unimaginable, it immediately turns bright gold marked with "bookmarks" strange. Initiate whole house, its internal metaphor of nature is transformed into gold bright ...
                Initiate becomes gold, gold ... created inside. He is no longer anything other than gold, everything disappears and is replaced entirely gold: he is the "gold" meant to seal shiny indecipherable ...
                Then, as the years go by, wearing abysmal execrable state-unbearable hell ... every moment ..., occurs rarely, occasionally, iðunn: as cold, distant, untouchable ...
                Odin lone wolf deeply understand that iðunn worked all the time in the system and it purified secret: a secret so big that no one in Asgrad not even suspected. But iðunn, timid and cold as crystal, were struggling to exhaustion ... Often collapsed limply and disgusted by so much effort and suffering in a dilapidated hut Forest Green Dragon ... in a moment of rest .
                Then it becomes clear that pervades every year is one of the eight paths of Forest Dragon.
                Towards the end of eight years appear certain spiritual experiences shocking: Initiate Odin receives from an Irish king, who hide their identity and only the initiate recognizes a giant sword. A sword namely a combination of a sword and a trident. So has a single handle and a blade giant journeyed there in the middle and two on one side and another. So sword blades have three: one in the middle and two on both sides. ... Strange weapon! Everything that experience is deep green, emerald, the depth unreal ... haunting.
                Then ... all advancing, moment by moment, day by day, month by month, year by year, without knowing how and by what means the Wolf Odin reaches the end of eight years, indecipherable by the end of the eight paths "Forest Initiative Green Dragon "and feels one night as is required in the spiritual presence. There terrified sees a snake, a reptile, a disgusting dragon within him: it causes nausea and revulsion. It becomes obvious that this disgusting creeping reptile was created inside. Now Initiate Odin has become a Dragon! It's funny how the symbol generate disgust and awe, Odin initiate paralyzing fear, although he has become one ...
                After some time yet ... indefinable, dark dreadful one morning and suddenly feels some inside immediately as the divine nature in it ...
                Feel like as a bull, "bos primigenius" [4] described by magic rune Uruz, of infinite density and indestructible, it was born and emerged in his heart.
                Then they appeared feels spiritual head, huge and gigantic horns of "The Green Man" ... the spirit behind nature ...
                Wolf Odin is from the past, something else now! Completely different. Has an internal different nature .... Feel the inner sexual power more intense than the power of the universe ... but fails to manifest in the physical. About a shred of physical force. But in essence, sex, power to "life" is infinite ... without limits. Something so dense, powerful and indestructible that there are no limits ...
                The Odinic Initiate knows only now that everything he did was right and proper! All that happened was programmed and asked ... was necessary ...
                Permanence in deep spiritual darkness was just crossing the boreal nights ... endless ...
                A boundless night, traveling through strange places, strange, dangerous ... One night the wolf yet distinguished ...
                So far, being inside the forest and green dragon with no help, did not understand exactly what was happening and whether it was correct in his actions ... And if doing good ... was based solely on instincts ...
                It now understands that he passed the forest initiatives that transformed him into Dragon. It understands that succeeded in all battles and defeated ...
                He răsulfă relieved and cheerful way out of ... triumphed! There is no longer doubt: the gods had not left any moment ... they just retreated to leave him alone to be able to do the work yourself ... to fulfill.
                Permanent darkness had been a period ... He passed it! A forest defeated impossible, strange, dark and deadly ... ... the Green Dragon ....
                Victoria This is a very rare event in Yggdrasil ... Birth of a Dragon! It is understood the profound meaning full ...
                Lone wolf understands what he has achieved, and trembled in his whole being ... Can not believe ... is shocked and relieved actually done everything right ...
                What a relief ... you win ... that divine nature inside ... inside ...
                It seems that the symbol of the dragon send the divine nature.
                Even Odin realized it ... One of his names, confirming his qualities, it is "Swafnir". This name is almost identical to the Dragon "Fafnir". The segment "-fnir" indicates hidden nature concealed a dragon: it is a Dragon!
                And Odin passed through this stage, it has become a Dragon, [5] a very long time ... But before he went, and this stage ... Odin is always the self-overcoming Zarathustra ... scary ...
                Odin's Law requires knowledge and power ...!
                "Wolf Dragon" feels that all human history ... was clean. It is released from negativity and poisons millenary history. It is something completely new: even born then. Eight years after stealing the spark of Muspelheim, what brought unbearable suffering. However, the suffering that passed will not heal. Wounds received because Muspelheimului remain eternally in him.
                Only self-overcoming makes this situation to be overcome ... but this means continuing and intense self-overcoming through sufferings and dangers and frightening ... unimaginable even a Dragon, Golden Dragon! [6 ]
                There is a real anxiety and hope inside of the possibility to continue in a new adventure unimaginable, self-overcoming ... Climbing to the top of Yggdrasil light ...
                Restlessness, hope, fatigue and exhaustion ...